
Thursday, February 27, 2014

Long road day

21 hours on the road. I woke up at 3 a. m. and was one the road by 3:30. By 12:30 a. m. I was back at my dad's. That's 825 miles of driving.

When I got back down to Bahia Honda Key, I inflated the kayak and paddled out to my anchored sailboat. It took a bit of time to get that back to the boat launch and loaded on the trailer.

For a month and half I didn't drive a car at all. Then within 3 days I drove over 1200 miles. Crazy. Travel at 3 – 5 knots is a lot more comfortable and sane.



  1. Maybe you ought to sell your home and boat, get a bigger boat and live on it. Would you like that or would it get old?

    1. I've been informed by she-who-must-be-obeyed that we'd be gone to long from the grandkids.

      However, there are some compromises that would come pretty close to that.

  2. Much more pleasant on the water than on the roads, I would imagine!

  3. I know how you feel. Couple of years ago I did over 1050 miles in just under thirteen about your walking dead....stay safe, my good friend.

    1. Wow, did you have a brick on gas? Taking it easy today.

  4. Hey Six, down here in Florida there are a number of drivers who's interstate speed in 5 knots! Surprised you haven't run some over yet! :-)

    1. Aren't they the ones crawling in the fast lane with the left blinker going for 50 miles?
