Hello my blog readers!
I'm not going to be communicating much for a while yet. Still in the hospital. Going to be here for treatments for some time yet. No real idea how long. I'm writing much as the pain meds have me pretty loopy. They are also working on the pain so it's a deal I'm happy to make.
6 hours ago
Prayed for you again.
ReplyDeleteDitto. Remind us again what caused this in the first place.
ReplyDeleteThe quicker you get better the sooner you can start chasing the nurses (grin).
ReplyDeleteWatch out for those giant spiders, or at least that is what Hubby was seeing.
ReplyDeleteI'll send up another prayer for healing.
So good to get an update from you. You have been on my mind.
ReplyDeleteYour health and well being is first and foremost right now. Take all the time you need, my friend!
ReplyDeleteMiss your posts. Hope you get better.
ReplyDeleteHow's the Wife handling you being in the hospital this long?
ReplyDeleteWhatever it takes to get you back on your feet. I know you must be chomping at the bit but.....
ReplyDeleteHoping you heal quickly......Blessed be - Momlady
Sorry to hear it, Six Bears. My wife and I have been going through some similar evolutions, though not so serious as yours. I hope you can get everything taken care of and get home soon.
ReplyDeleteGood for you, Sixbears. Get 'er done, both the pain and the healing.
ReplyDeleteHey folks! This is Sixbears’ daughter, Leane, checking in with his community of readers. Not to worry- he’s improving. Was discharged from hospital today and is continuing healing at my house. We are close by the hospital and Mom has the flu. Thought it prudent to not expose him to that too.
ReplyDeleteWe are taking good care of him and happy to do it. He has a very positive attitude & I get the benefit of all his Dad Jokes. Win-win. Keep sending those prayers and good healing vibes his way!