
Monday, June 27, 2022

April 12, 1865

Confederate troops fired on Ft. Sumpter starting the US civil war. 

The division was caused by slavery. Some revisionists would like to say it was about “states rights.” While that might technically be true the right they wanted to protect was the right to keep slaves.

In the modern world slavery is recognized for the evil it is. There is nothing more basic than having control of your own body. Slave owners could even tell a slave who they could make love to. Slave owners had control over female slave’s babies. It was a dark time in our History.

Naturally, escaped slaves would flee to free states where their rights were respected. The slave states did not like that and got certain laws passed. Those laws required people in free states to capture escaped slaves and send them back. Those laws finally broke the nation as the free state people were having none of it. 

Those who forget History are doomed to repeat it.



  1. Slavery was A factor in causing the War Of Northern Aggression....but it wasn't the only reason and for many not the main reason.

  2. Next you'll be telling me about Sherman's retreat to the sea.

  3. The real reason for slavery being abolished , was the industrial revolution.
    The north had most of manufacturing at the time and slavery was no longer profitable.
    The old rule of thumb, has always been. Follow the money and you will discover the truth.
    When SHTF , We will see a sudden increase in slavery once again.

  4. Replies
    1. Yes if they got the date wrong on this article what else is wrong with this article?

  5. Did not see you “worrying” about the forced mRNA shots, but hey consistency is tough

  6. This is really oversimplified and ignores a lot of factors and in fact it comes across as completely wrong starting with the date for fort Sumter
