
Tuesday, October 17, 2023

Medical Issues

I’ve been dealing with some recurring medical issues. It’s nothing too serious, just very irritating. That’s part of why I haven’t been posting lately. 

At least I have some medical insurance now. Not that it’s made getting treatment any easier -or cheaper? My sleep doctor told me it might be cheaper to buy a new c-pap machine off the Internet for cash than to go to the local company that takes insurance. In the mean time I keep my old equipment running. 

Over the last 30 years I’ve had to figure out my own health issues. It’s hit or miss whether or not seeing a doctor will make things better or worse. 

I guess the lesson here is that you have to take charge of your own health. No one else will.



  1. A telling statement, cheaper to buy a C-pap machine with cash as cheaper than insurance.

    Is supplies to keep that machine also cheaper for cash? Seriously I am curious as constantly annoyed by the monthly bills submitted to Medicare (and denied) nonsense.

    Insurance an example of good intentions gone wrong. Intended to rein in the "Greed" of Medicine but just an extra layer of for-profit bureaucracy between the medicine business and patients.

    Like the bombardment of ads for ZERO Monthly Premiums for Medicare Part whatever (BUT your Co-Pays and Everything else is insanely expensive) a trap for the economically illiterate.

    Nobody does things for you for free. Even friends free help is with some expectation you'll be helping them soon enough for free.

    Otherwise, you're using your friendship.

    1. I found it cheaper to order my cpap supplies online and to pay out of pocket. Also, they would send more replacements than really needed so the copays would happen more often.
