
Thursday, May 30, 2024

Scooter Road Trip

I’m heading out on the scooter for a few days of travel. A good friend of mine lives on the other end of the state so it’ll be a good trip. One of the things I’m doing is practicing with the motorcycle GPS. The route picked meanders through the lakes region of New Hampshire. It’s going to be a couple of 200+ mile days. 

200 miles might seem like a lot for a 150 cc motorscooter. Last year one of my day trips came to 257 miles. About 35 miles of that were on mountain back roads. It’s always a hoot to meet someone on a big ADV bike while on my little bike. 

The Scooter Cannonball averages 400 mile days. I hope to ride a bunch of those before the end of the season. Call it training, if you will. There will be a fair big of gear in the saddlebags so that will be similar to my event load. 

I’ll also probably stop somewhere for coffee so it’s going to be a pretty chill ride -unlike what a Cannonball will be like. 



  1. Safe trip Six Bears and wishes for better scootering weather than we've been having in the mountains of York State of late...wet, windy and chilly.

    I'm looking forward to your report on the GPS unit. From my reading the unit you have is problematic in rerouting when it's necessary to deviate from the original course set by the unit. It's claimed that in the event of a detour or route change the unit refuses to re-configure a new and altered route but insists that a u-turn be made to return to the original calculated route. I'm interested to hear your comments and experiences with the unit.

  2. Just looked up best coffee in VT. 6 excellent places (most I've visited) that will get you scooter time and exercise that GPS system.

    1. Hey Michael! That sounds like fun. I've a daughter in VT so a family visit could be worked into the mix. Nice.
