
Saturday, May 11, 2024

Solar Storms are Inconvenient

By inconvenient I mean we could be knocked back to the 18th century -or even earlier. As I write this we are currently being hit by a sizable storm. If you are reading this you are probably not doing too badly. The more we rely on electronics and electricity the harder losing them will be. So lets hope it’s not too bad. 

However, if you are experiencing bad Internet connections, cell phone issues, gps, and grid problems the solar storm is why. It’s supposed to last through the weekend. It hit about 6 hours sooner than expected so don’t expect prediction accuracy. 

I hope we get through this solar cycle without too much damage. After all I just got my Internet back up and purchased a new cell phone. It would be a shame if I couldn’t use them. Of course, the whole collapse of modern civilization would be a bit awkward too.



  1. 10-4!!!!! Then what?? If it happen's.. hope you have enough fresh H2O and are not in the middle of a BLUE PEOPLE HIVE!!!!

    1. Why would I worry about a Blue People Hive? Anyway . . . I've got plenty of water.

  2. We got to see red tinted skies last night and the power went out for a bit too.

    1. Internet was sketchy for a while. I'm sure our skies would have been amazing if the cloud cover wasn't so thick.

  3. Inconvenient, Awkard? You have an understated manner of speech this fine morning :-).

    History of Economic-Social Disasters shows that some 90% of your troubles come from folks within an hour or so from you.

    Thus, my oft reminder to know your neighbors. The sweetest Grandmother will kill you for that loaf of bread if her Grandkids are singing the "I'm HUNGRY" song.

    So Skybill not just the "Blue Hives" although larger numbers nearby give greater problems.

    1. Not too worried about the neighbors and I'm a bit off the beaten path, so that helps. Yeah, it's a bit of an understatement.
