
Sunday, November 5, 2023

Health update -again!

Okay . . . looks like the last round of antibiotics knocked out the bad infection in my leg. It’s still scabbed up quite a bit but most of the pain is gone. I can get out and about to do more things now. Progress -finally. 

This should have been one visit and about a month. Instead it took multiple doctor visits with 3 different doctors and seven months of suffering. I’m pretty sure it’ll finish healing up properly now However, if it starts to look like it’s stopped healing I’m calling the doctor again. 

Now I’m finally able to get away from the strick requirements of heavy duty antibiotics. My last antibiotic could not be mixed with many types of supplements. I’m back to taking those. There’s also an herbal remedy that does wonders for the remaining nerve pain. 

Since I’m not as restricted in my movements the weight is finally coming off again. 

Now all I have to do is to sort of my cpap for sleep apnea. It’s always something. Insurance rejected my claim. Apparently using a cpap for 30 years isn’t enough to show I really need one. Sigh. I’m very tempted to just pay for a new machine  out of pocket. The one I really want is not covered by insurance anyway. 

So anyway, that’s why my posting has been hit or miss lately. Life happens. 



  1. Losing weight is an option which will make us all proud including your children and grandchildren.

  2. i just went thru this same thimg. You have to go back to square one with a doctor and a sleep study. then you can get a new machine.

    1. Our heavily overbooked one sleep doctor in the area has proven difficult to get hold of. I'm trying again Monday.

  3. Boy don't i know about misdiagnosis and the rabbit holes today's medical establishment takes you down.
    As you know, my little accident eight years ago left me with several injuries. The near amputation of my lower left leg and a crushed pelvis were the obvious ones which the ER caught. Only after a couple months a therapist was working ( read torturing ) me . We discovered I had fractured my back in several places. X rays only showed minor cracks in several vertebra with compressed disks. Which caused stenosis and neuropathy in my feet and
    legs. After a period of lower limb paralysis the VA in their wisdom finally did a MRI of the spot they thought caused it. Declaring me good enough to go...
    Not so much however, started getting numbness
    In my left arm...sigh , another rabbit hole. Which was not the cause (heart stuff)
    Because stenosis and pain was advancing, they finally ordered a full MRI scan of my skull and spine , top to bottom.
    Discovered I have low cranial pressure and suspect a leak in my spine somewhere...
    The saga continues lol

    1. Dang Spud. The fun never ends. Good luck finding that rabbit. I know you've pretty much kept going through force of will.

  4. It was very good to see you Friday at the usual meeting of the minds. I am very happy things are healing at a respectable rate. The Cpap machine you want, is it reasonable? Good sleep is everything about healing. We'll keep doing the thing. Don't over due the do... Peace and Balance, John

    1. Not too reasonable, but I tend to get many more years out of my machines than most people. I hope to get hold of the sleep doctor tomorrow and see what he can do for me.

    2. It'll work out. As I'm finding out, a lack of good sleep can really mess with the physical processes.

    3. Yeah. Did a bit better last night but my schedule has been worse than normal.
