
Thursday, March 14, 2024

Snow slowing me down

Yeah, I still have fresh snow on the ground. It’s melted some but we still have plenty of the annoying white stuff. Our mild winter has me yearning for an early spring. It’s not that we didn’t get precipitation. We got plenty but it was often in the form of winter rain. Not only that, our snow, instead of being light and fluffy was dense like cement. 

Okay, it’s not that the snow is really that bad. This is still March in New Hampshire after all. It’s just that I’m a bit more eager to get the scooter out of storage than normal. I’ve a lot of new parts that came in. There’s actually nothing broken on the scoot. It just makes more sense for me to change these parts at home. If I don’t I’ll be changing them on a back road late at night -in the rain. Let’s avoid that. 

I’m also adding a motorcycle rated Garmin GPS. That will get hard wired into the electrical system There’s a lot of body plastic that have to be removed just to get to the wiring. The top box doesn’t thrill me either. The solution could be to build my own. 

There are times I miss not having a decent heated garage. Who knows what would roll out of there after a long winter of tinkering?



  1. Had my first scooter ride yesterday and it were so satisfying fun I did it all over again today. Sadly the weather guessers claim we'll be back to winter temps with a chance of snow showers for the next week but winter can't hang on forever so it'll soon enough be pea plantin' and scooter ridein' time again!

    1. Scooters are almost too much fun. :)
      April, May, and June are supposed to be much warmer than normal in the Northeast.
