
Sunday, October 6, 2024

Another Hurricane!?

Looks like another hurricane is headed for the west coast of Florida. It’s enough to make one set down their beer and take notice. 

FEMA is already running out of money. No problem though. Florida doesn’t need Socialism from the Federal government. 

But seriously money is not the issue. In an election year especially it’s just a matter of turning up the printing presses. There will be some sort of funding coming from somewhere. Perhaps the bigger question will be resources. Do they have the people and resources to respond effectively? We shall see. 

This next hurricane looks to be heading right to the Tampa area -give or take a storm wobble here or there. The path of this storm, right now, appears to be right across the state and into the Atlantic. It’s still a few days out so we really don’t know the exact strength or path. 

That’s a part of Florida I know very well having spent many months in that area. My folks retired north of Tampa and I spent a lot of time visiting them. It’s also where I did a lot of sailing. I bet that after the next storm my charts will be way out of date. Storms remake the Gulf Coast of Florida all the time. Islands appear and disappear. Channels move or are filled in completely. New channels form. Never mind all the debris in the water.

There are knock on effects from these storms that affect the country far from impact areas. One small example: my Internet issues with Spectrum. After the storm their customer service lines were overwhelmed. It took two days to get a human on the phone. It probably didn’t help that their customer service is based in North Carolina. Once I did get through they sent a service man the next day, so that worked out.

So keep an eye on the weather and check your preps. If you are in the predicted impact area bugging out might be the smart option. Everyone’s situation is different but it’s likely survivors will be on their own for a long time. 

Be well everyone.


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