
Thursday, October 10, 2024


My lovely wife was working on her computer a couple days ago. She told me she was on the phone with tech support. Okay, stuff happens. Her computer was bricked with an ominous flashing warning on the screen.

I guess tech support sounded legit -in the beginning anyway. Then it sounded more and more sketchy. Let’s just say it’s a good thing that she is in the habit of refusing to give out financial info out over the phone. She hung up with them and we called our Internet provider. They were able to check that our address and system were perfectly fine. The “tech support” had said otherwise. Turns out that tech support number was bogus. I know, big surprise.

In the mean time we had a useless computer and my lovely wife had stuff to do. We hopped in the car and went computer shopping. That turned into a 100+ mile trip. Such is life when you live in the middle of nowhere. We picked up a new a new laptop.

While setting that up I went ahead and tried to fix my wife’s old computer. After some computer magic, maybe involving burning sage and a goat sacrifice, I got it running again. Then, since it was all set up the way my lovely wife wanted it, she wanted to stick with her old computer.

That was fine as the new one went to me. I’ve been getting by with a cheap Chromebook. It was okay but pretty small and underpowered. Then there’s the fact I’m not a big fan of the Chrome operating system.

Turns out I’m also not a big fan of Windows 11. Is it my imagination or has Microsoft gotten more and more intrusive with each version of Windows? I do not like it. It was used just long enough to download the latest version of Ubuntu Linux. Ubuntu has made steady upgrades over the years and the newest version is good. Open source is the way to go. Windows made me feel like I was renting my computer. Linux gives me a lot more control and I feel like I own the computer.

Currently it’s about 98% set up the way I want. All’s well that ends well, I guess.


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