No matter who gets selected, I mean elected, president, plenty of people are going to be angry. Really really angry.
People, no matter their political affiliation, really want things to change. They don't want business as usual. The very last thing that the powers that be want is to upset the apple cart. Expect political shenanigans to prevent the American people from having a real say in November.
In the past, the entrenched powers usually got their way. They don't expect things to be different this time around, even if they are currently running a bit scared.
Our nation has reached the stage where just muddling through is not going to work. Real systematic changes are going to be needed to get through the challenges facing us.
The economy is not doing all that well. There are some huge storm clouds on the horizon. No, they are looming overhead. China is not going to be absorbing exports from the rest of the world as everyone hoped. It's laying off people and trying to keep wages low. With the world's biggest population country in contraction, it has got affect world trade.
Automation is replacing more people, not just in manufacturing. Ever use a self check out line or those little pay at the table machines at restaurants? The logical solution is a guaranteed basic income, among other reforms. Let's see how far logic gets us this time around.
Sure, the stock market looks like it's doing well. Frankly, it doesn't matter. The stock market hasn't been a true reflection on the real economy for some time. There are two economies. One is the real economy that produces goods and services. The other is a paper economy consisting of financial smoke and mirrors. The paper economy might look good, but the real one . . . not so much.
For some time the system has been kept going with band-aids, spit, and duct tape. That can't go on forever, and we know that things that can't go on forever eventually don't.
As the facade crumbles exposing the ugliness beneath the surface. Areas as diverse as the energy sector to immigration are in turmoil.
Things are going to get interesting. What's a person to do with their anger and outrage when things unravel? Well the last thing you want to violent overthrow. Just look at the mess the whole Arab Spring has made. Yes, those countries were ruled by bad dudes, but the chaos that followed was worse.
Work for a political solution, but prepare for disruptions. Now is the time to get your house in order. I don't want to burn it all to the ground, but I do realize there are plenty of outraged people who have nothing to lose.