Hope everyone has a good Christmas this year and a better one next.
So far outside the box you can't even see the box from here.
Well, we are coming to the end of 2020. What a ride. Still time for a few screw ups before the end. Of course, January 1 is just a number. No guarantee 2021 is not going to be interesting.
At least the election stuff is settled well beyond reasonable doubt. The bright side of that is being able to eliminate some uncertainty.
Personally I don’t think most of us should be making any major plans beyond about six months or so. Even that might be too long of a planning window. By summer this could look like a whole different world. For some it’ll be better, for other’s it will be worse. If you can hold it together for six months at a time you will be in a better position than most. Just don’t get wedded to some vision of the future. Too much is in flux right now.
My household has been hunkering down and sitting this one out. About the only trips I’ve been making is grocery shopping for fresh food. Recently I’ve switched to curbside pickup for my groceries. That’s been hit or miss, but the local grocery story seems to have finally gotten it together.
Looks like the predicted major storm is mostly going to be south of us. We’ve got some snow on the ground, but just a couple of inches. High winds and freezing rain have taken down our grid power and Internet a few times. We are very glad to have good solar battery backup and a woodstove.
When we lose Internet we also lose our phone connections. Our home phone is voice over Internet. There is a mountain between me and the closest cell tower, so that phone doesn’t work either. In a pinch I can take my inreach device and acquire satellite communications. I can send and receive text messages that way and there’s also an SOS button if we are in real trouble.
Be safe everyone. We are having a death count higher than a 911 event every day. It’s as real as it can be. By now most people have either gotten it, know someone who has, or even lost someone dear. Don’t be a statistic. I just bought another high quality mask and more filters. It’s going to take some time before vaccines have an impact.
Our virtual on-line Thanksgiving wasn’t too bad. We spent the first part of the afternoon in a Zoom meeting with family. The second half was spent on-line with friends. It was nice to see friends and family from Maine to California. Thanksgiving morning started with freezing rain so it was good that nobody had to drive anywhere.
My lovely wife and I have an awful lot of leftovers, but that’s a bonus.
While I wouldn’t want to spend every Thanksgiving physically isolated, we weren’t socially isolated.
Hope your holiday went well.
Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday. Normally it’s getting together with friends, family and expressing gratitude for the blessings in our lives. The food’s amazing too.
This year we are observing CDC guidelines and staying away from people. It’s a video meeting sort of holiday. As it turns out it’s a good year to stay home in other ways. We are getting a mix of freezing rain and snow. The driving is horrible. Just as well we aren’t going anywhere an no one is trying to get to our place in the woods.
Be well everyone and never forget to be thankful for the good things.
There’s some confusion on where I stand. Hope this straightens things out a bit.
My strongest guiding principle is my belief in freedom. However, I also believe in responsibility. You can’t have one without the other. Too many want freedom but have no sense of responsibility to their fellow human beings.
Communism and Capitalism both limit an individual’s freedom. It’s easy to see how Communism uses an iron fist to enforce its rules. Capitalism is more subtle but also insidious, using everything from advertising to financial shackles. If you are lucky your handcuffs are golden. Few have the strength to reject chains of gold.
In the real world the most successful societies have a mixture of regulated Capitalism with a strong social safety net. By successful I mean the average citizen seems healthy and happy.
I am more of a spiritual person than a religious one. However, I believe in freedom of religion and also freedom from religion. Give me an ethical Atheist over a hypocritical Christian any day. When someone asks what would Jesus do, remember that flipping over tables and attacking people with a whip are a couple of things he did.
I try to love my enemies. I turn the other cheek. After that I believe it’s my right to shoot them.
Personally, I’m always suspicious of people who’ve never put themselves in harm’s way sending others into danger.
I’m not a fan of abortion, but recognize it’s sometimes a last resort. We can have legal safe abortion or illegal dangerous abortion. It’s proven that access to education and birth control greatly reduce the demand for abortion. Sorry if that triggers you.
Something can be both legal and immoral. While I might not always be legal, I try my best to be ethical.
When going through life I assume other people are experiencing struggles I’m totally unaware of and try to cut them some slack.
Most importantly I’m open to changing my beliefs as new facts come in. I believe that one of the reasons we are here on this earth is to learn and grow. If you aren’t changing, you aren’t learning.
Now that the transition team has been allowed to do its work, Trump election denial should be soon coming to an end. If you don’t believe that, stop typing. You’ll just get deleted anyway, and I don’t delete too much.
So where do we go from here? We hunker down and mind our own business. We have plenty of business to mind too. The pandemic is getting worse by the day. Without Federal leadership we’ve been left with a patchwork response. Recently I watched a nearby city go through a big mask debate. In the end they came to a split decision to require masks. The next day the state of NH made a state wide mandate so the local debate was pretty much a waste of time.
Personally, I’ve decided to be cautious. There are few downsides for being super careful. It’s a bit of a drag not spending the holidays with family, but we’ll adapt. We are missing them this season so we can enjoy many more holidays in future years.
By the way, if you have any freezer space left, stock up on frozen turkeys. The price is right. It’s a huge value right now. My lovely wife and I will be roasting a large turkey for two of us. It’s just as easy to cook a large one than a small one and turkey leftovers are amazing.
People are panic buying toilet paper again. I saw someone leaving a Staples with a shopping cart absolutely overloaded with TP. I’m still pleased with my bidet investment.
If you can, it’s not a bad idea to round out any preps you are low on. We’ve been adding a few extras in every grocery order. One of my big concerns is getting through the cold northern winter. My heating oil tank is full and a one ton pallet of fiber blocks has been stacked up for the woodstove. The battery bank and solar election system has been serviced. In addition to my large solar election system there are three small solar generators running -backups for the backups.
Security is good. No need to go into details.
My advice, take it or leave it, is to remain calm and carry on.
New Hampshire’s governor just had a press conference about the pandemic. A nursing home up the road from me has been hard hit. There’s a bad nurse shortage. Nobody wants to move to our rural area. Nurses who’ve tested positive are working the covid ward.
One of the key things that came out of that conference was about the vaccine. They estimate it will be about two years before it’s commonly available. I heard it confirmed by the governor so it’s not some crazy conspiracy crap.
Plan for the long term.
Remember how in 2016 there was all this talk about running away to Canada? Guess what? That really happened, at least it did where I live. Many of us have friends and relatives across the border. That makes moving there a lot easier. My lovely wife lost her really good doctor when the doctor moved to the land of hockey and poutine.
One of my daughters normally would have gone to Canada after this election. However, she always vacations in Canada after an election. She says it’s a good way to clear her head and also let the country cool down a bit.
Maybe we should all vacation in Canada for a while and cool down. Too bad the border is closed. I can’t say I blame them.
Trump lost. Get over it. Don’t be a snowflake. He really wasn’t your friend anyway. He did talk a good game, addressing the concerns of a large group of people who’ve been ignored by the establishment. However, it’s the one tenth of one percent who really benefited. I bet you didn’t get your coal miner job back.
So who’s going to benefit under Biden? The one tenth of the one percent, that’s who. There’s going to be some cosmetic changes, but not as much real stuff will change. I hope more regular people’s lives will improve, but I’m not holding my breath. At the very least, maybe we can start getting the pandemic under control. It would nice to be able to hug my grandkids again without fear of dying.
Don’t worry about the right to bear arms. Because of Trump, I’ve never seen so many liberals acquire and train with firearms. They aren’t going to give them up.
Speaking of guns, don’t think you are going to change the election results with them. That’s a really good way to end up dead or in prison. Most people I know with guns mind their own business and don’t go looking for trouble. Just don’t break into their homes at 3 a. m. and expect to walk back out.
It’s going to be tense for a few months yet. Don’t let fear and emotion rule you. We’ve got a nation to rebuild and it’s going to take all of us.
Our local virus condition quickly went from green to red. A lot of cases can be traced back to the Federal prison. Kid’s sports was another problem. Then there was also a local restaurant that had issues. Currently the schools are shut for at least two weeks.
We used to have free travel into Vermont, but now that’s been changed. Of course, Canada is still off limits. I’m starting to feel a little closed in right now. Might as well hunker down for the duration.
I know. That doesn’t make me special this year. Normally I’d be getting ready to head south for the winter. Instead I’m setting up for the long cold winter.
It really hit me when getting the boat ready. Last year I was making sure it had a good coat of bottom paint. This year I’m making sure the it can handle huge amounts of snow on the cover. Normally my wife and I are stacking as much stuff in the boat as we can. That way we don’t have to load it up before leaving. This year we emptied it out. Even the sails will spend the winter in the house. Gas has been drained from the outboard instead of just making sure it has stabilizer.
The house is better winterized. Still not 100% on that, but mostly there. We’ve already had a couple snow storms with more on the way.
At least I get to vote in person. Voting absentee for the primary was a huge pain while on the road. Speaking of voting, don’t be a jerk. No matter how it turns out.
There’s a huge survival skill that nobody talks about. It’s being able to get along with people you don’t agree with.
We finally got a break in the weather and our schedule. The wind was calm and the temperature got close to 60. It was a good day to finally pull the sailboat out of the water. Next week mixed precipitation is expected.
I motored the sailboat over to the boat ramp while my lovely wife drove the boat trailer over. Loading went well. There was no one else at the ramp so no pressure. Taking the boom off and dropping the mast was a smooth operation. It looked like we were all set.
Part way around the lake one of the trailer tires blew. It was going to be replaced weeks ago, but I couldn’t get the old wheel off. The guy who put it on with a power wrench tightened it too much so I gave up. Only needed a couple more miles out of the old tire, but it was not to be.
Rather than try and mess around with it I drove the last mile with a flat tire, ten miles an hour the whole way. It’s safely in the driveway now. It’s much easier to change a tire in my driveway than on the side of the road.
Looks like it's that time of year again. Woke up to big heavy snowflakes falling from the sky. This probably won't last, but it won't be long until it does.
Living on the lake there are a few things to do before the snow flies. My son-in-law gave me a hand a few days ago pulling the swim raft onto shore. That went fairly well, but it’s certainly not a one person job. I’m glad I had help.
Thursday’s plan was to pull the boat off the lake. That didn’t go quite as well. It was a warm day for mid October in New Hampshire’s North Country -around 70. Seemed like a perfect day for it. My lovely wife and I planned on one more afternoon of sailing.
I’d moved the trailer and tow vehicle to the boat ramp, so that was ready. Unfortunately the wind picked up a lot more than predicted. The 3 to 5 mph predicted winds turned into wind strong enough to lean the sailboat right down past its gunwales. That’s with much reduced sails. After a while it was no longer much fun to be sailing.
Unfortunately the wind was blowing across the whole lake to the boat ramp. There were whitecaps. That did not look like it would be much fun trying to load the sailboat. We decided to put that off until later in the week.
By then the wind was blowing so hard I was concerned about being able to drop the mainsail. In the end I pulled the boat right up next to shore where some trees blocked most of the wind. Then I dropped the sail in record time. After securing it we motored the whole way across the lake to our beach. It’s back on the mooring.
We have some rain in the forecast, but after that I’ll just motor directly to the boat ramp and pull it out. The long range forecast has some decent weather predicted. One year I actually had to pull the boat in snowstorm. That’s something I definitely do not want to repeat.
The Spanish Flu hit in three waves and went on for roughly three years. There are few reasons to believe that this pandemic will be over any quicker.
Hear me out. The big difference between now and 1918 is the state of our medical system. Our big hope is for a vaccine. Unfortunately, just about all the major players in the vaccine game are having issues. Many safety trials are on hold while side effects are being evaluated.
We don’t even know if a vaccine will work very well. It’s discouraging that people are getting infected for the second time. Not only that, the second infection is often much worse than the first one.
On the bright side, we now have much more effective treatments. While not a cure, they can keep more people alive. However, that requires a fully functional health care system. That’s a major problem in countries where health care is tied to one’s job. With unemployment high, many have lost insurance.
This is not to discourage anyone. I know there are many people who are having psychological issues with the duration of this crisis. Some are pretending it’s over, and that’s one of the things fueling the growing second wave of infection. Cold weather in the north is another problem with people crowding in together. The spread is often happening through small family gatherings right now. That does not bode well for the holidays.
I’m assuming most of my readers are mentally tough enough to deal with reality. We will take it one day at a time. If it is over sooner, great. If not, we endure.
There are a lot of out of state license plates still hanging around. Usually, this time of year, we have the place to ourselves. Sure, there are folks that will come up on the weekend, but now they are here all week. A good part of that is that they are new residents.
Housing here in Northern New Hampshire is going fast. It’s common for buyers to offer 30% above the asking price to assure they are going to get it. My neighbor works in the school system and they are dealing with an influx of new students.
This, my friends, is what one version of bugging out looks like. Most of these new people are escaping big cities. They have the ability to work from home and are taking advantage of it. Preppers tend to think of bugging out as someone with a bug out bag. That’s the low end of the spectrum. The high end is a massive yacht with it’s own on board doctor and security. In the middle we have these urban folks moving into modest homes in the hinterland.
There’s a sense of panic in the air. That explains the premium they’ve been putting on quick sales. This is the 11th hour if you are looking to avoid trouble in the big cities. Heck, things look pretty iffy in a lot of the moderate sized cities. A friend of mine lives about a half hour outside of a city of about 70,000 people. He’s upped his security quite a bit with better doors, locks, walls, and security windows -plus other interesting things.
Another popular bug out option is the bug out vehicle. Frankly, when winter sets in most of those are impossible to keep warm. The far north is not a good place for mobile living. That’s why the smart money is establishing themselves in small towns. This influx has been happening at a good pace ever since about March.
While there’s been some growing pains, most of the towns and small cities are handling the increase fairly well. However, space is running out. Time is also running out.
Recently I received an unexpected check in the mail. Within twenty-four hours I’d turned all it into food. If you’ve got anything at all to spare I’d recommend you stock up. There are food shortages on the way. Of course, I might be wrong about that, but you’ll eventually eat that food anyway.
Forget about buying special survival foods like MREs. Prices have gone through the roof and delivery times are long. Get regular canned and dry goods for storage. Stock on up spices. That’s one of the things added to my pantry. When you’ve got a lot of beans and rice being able to spice them in different ways sure makes life better.
Don’t rely upon hunting. During the Great Depression the woods were pretty much cleaned out of anything edible. Game laws were ignored because that’s what hungry people do. I’m still doing some hunting, but I’m not relying on it. If you do plan on hunting I hope you already have your ammo as there’s nothing in the gun stores. Locally even 30-30 is sold out.
I was going to make a big long post about this, but decided against it. Listen folks, wear your protective gear. Spend a little extra and get gear that’s high quality and comfortable. Not everyone has helicopter access to the best medical care in the world.
In these interesting times it’s a bit difficult make any sort of long range plans. Between the pandemic, economic collapse, social upheaval, and natural disasters, it’s not a good time to travel.
I was talking to a paramedic friend of mine. He thought that the schools would eventually all have to go to remote learning. He expects the virus to spread easily in a school environment. His kid is staying home. Fortunately for him, his wife works from home so can be there.
My friend was also appalled with Florida’s decision to remove restrictions from bars and restaurants. With that in mind, I’m happy with my decision to stay home for the duration. Who knows what the world will look like a year or two down the road? While I can guess, that’s no way to plan. If 2020 has shown us anything it’s that we can expect the unexpected.
We are fortunate to have gotten some rain finally. That takes the edge off, but we’ll need a lot more. There are wells not far from me that have gone dry. Our foliage season was short up here in the north. The dryness hastened things along. The leaves on many trees looked burnt and crinkled, like they’d been too near a fire. Drought will do that. Now the rain is washing a lot of leaves onto the ground.
My lovely wife and I are doing well. The plan is to fort up as much as possible and avoid the flu and Covid season. Progress is being made on home projects. There will be plenty to keep me busy.
My lovely wife and I took one last trip to the coast while the weather was good. I think the Portland Maine lighthouse is becoming one of favorite places to visit. It certainly helps that they allow dogs in the park.
We have friends in southern Maine and they are well set up for overnight company. They pitched a large canvas pavilion in their spacious backyard. For the convenience of guests there’s an outdoor comfort station in a separate small tent with a portapotty, sanitizer and a hand washing station. It makes it easy to socially distance.
They put on a good feed for us and we enjoyed an evening around the campfire. That’s the only time we’ve spent the night away since we came back from Florida in the spring. The weather was unusually mild and were lucky to be able to take advantage of it.
Currently we are at the peak of foliage season here in Northern New Hampshire. It’s been unusually dry and fire danger has been high. However, we are expecting about a week of rain that’s definitely needed. The overflow from my well has stopped flowing. That’s only happened once before in my memory. I went down to the well to upgrade the plumbing connection at the pump so it wouldn’t fail at an inconvenient time. That’s when I noticed the overflow had stopped, but fortunately the well is still full of water. It’s just a couple inches lower than normal.
A lot of people around here a dreading winter. I’m not going to worry about it. Attitude is everything. There is no bad weather, only bad clothes. With all the turmoil going on in the world, I’m kinda looking forward to being snowed in. Nobody riots during a blizzard.
It will be a time for good books while sitting by the fire.
I’ve been very fortunate during these interesting times to have a place out in the country.
This view of New Hampshire’s White Mountains is from my lake.
There’s a bit of smoke haze from the western fires, but not too bad. Right now it’s still probably some of the best air in the country. Where my younger daughter lives on the west coast it’s super smoky. She’s had to put her lights on in the middle of day due to the smoke blocking out the sun. At least her place is not currently under direct threat. However, she’s been told by authorities to pack an emergency bag in case.
I also feel for all the folks dealing with a very active hurricane season. When you run out of names for storms you know it’s a bad one. They then will go with Greek letters. Hope they don’t run out of those. What would be next? Disney characters?
While we haven’t have the fires they’ve had out west, it’s been a dry summer. A friend of mine who works for the Forest Service as a firefighter did a 21 day stretch without a break. Fortunately the fires have been small, but there have been a lot of them. Most have been started by campers not putting out campfires properly.
There are a lot more people out in the woods taking advantage of free dispersed camping. I even ran into a good sized group of people doing official bird dog trials. Normally they’d meet in Maine, but due to Maine’s 14 day quarantine requirement they relocated the event to New Hampshire.
Summer’s nice weather allowed for us to socialize outside with people. Winter might get a bit grim. I’m going to avoid being inside anywhere but my house and maybe a few essential short term shopping trips. Whatever it takes to stay healthy. Might even skip the shopping trips.
Frankly, I don’t think I’m going to mind being snowed in at all. It’s hard for people to riot in a blizzard.
We’ve come to the unofficial end of summer. The lake is pretty busy this holiday weekend. Heck, the whole state of NH is packed with visitors. The state has taken to requiring day passes for the state parks. Many are full up.
Of course, I’d rather be dealing with a tourist invasion that daily riots in the streets. Portland just had 100 straight days of protest. Some places have definitely had a long hot summer. While I’m in no hurry for the cold weather to settle in, nobody riots during a blizzard.
2020 has been a strange year. I’m expecting some kind of black swan even between now and the end of November. That’s weird when you think of it as black swan events are supposed to unexpected. This year I’ve learned to expect the unexpected.
Hope everyone is being safe. Don’t take unnecessary risks. Don’t go around to super spreader events and avoid going to protests looking for a fight. Neither of those activities tend to end well.
I picked up a new hobby during the quarantine -lock picking. I was giving an Amazon gift card so I picked up a book and few tools. Over time I was able able to fiddle with some old padlocks and got them open. It’s a very meditative hobby. Nothing can be forced.
Just for grins and giggles I thought I’d try the lock on my front door. It’s nothing special as far as locks go. It’s about average, probably like the one on your house. It took me, a rank amateur, five seconds to unlock it.
Here’s the thing. I always could bypass a lock in a matter of seconds. When I was a firefighter I took a lot of forcible entry courses. We had a fire in an office building one time. Every door was locked, but I popped them open so quickly that the officer coming behind me thought they must have been unlocked. Of course, I had a tool and was not afraid to make noise and do a bit of damage.
Locks are to keep honest people honest. The deadbolts on my house are there to slow a house invasion down just enough for me to get my gun.
Don’t even get me started on gated communities. The vast majority of them are just security theater. If there are kids in those communities they always have paths around gates and locks. Often there are back entrances to those communities left unlocked.
What’s more important than locks is the sort of place you live in. Bad neighborhoods are called bad for a reason.
We are in a pretty good place during these trying times. Having a bit of land, a well, and significant solar electric is a comfort. That takes care of a lot worries right there.
My lovely wife and I had a great afternoon sailing out on the lake. The loons and osprey were very active. It’s nice not to have to deal with crowded boat ramps with tense people. The sailboat is right there at our beach, ready to be sailed at a moment’s notice. Sure, it’s a small lake, but sailing is sailing.
Progress has been made on sealing up the basement air leaks. We are looking in better shape for the coming winter. In recent years we’ve gotten snow on the ground in October that stays until spring. That brings things to a halt.
One more trip to the transfer station should take care of the rest of junk from when the old deck was torn down. Most of the debris was burned, but not everything could be. I’m not going to burn pressure treated as that’s pretty toxic.
I’m still taking the virus seriously. Rather than shop local I drive 50 miles to shop at a grocery store with good safety and a special shopping time for those over 60. Worth it for my piece of mind.
The Sixbears household is doing well. I’ve been getting the house ready for winter. That’s what you do up here in New Hampshire’s North Country. Storms are coming.
Speaking of storms, I finally got a chance dial in one of my rifles. There’s a fairly isolated sandpit I like to shoot in. Unfortunately the woods road out to it was washed out and closed for repairs. One of my cousins goes to run his dogs in that area and he let me know the road was open again.
I didn’t mess around. Some folks just shoot a few rounds and call it good. There are a lot of variables when shooting. However, if the weapon is sighted in and functions well those are two less things to worry about. I brought a shooting table, chairs, binoculars, targets, surveyor’s tape measure, hearing protection, tools, quality ammo -the whole nine yards.
I’m glad I did. The sights were off. There was also a problem with one of the magazines. After four or five rounds it would sometimes fall right out of the gun. That could be embarrassing. Fortunately the other magazines functioned well. Never assume that just because something is new it functions the way it’s supposed to. When there’s high demand for firearms sometimes quality control suffers.
Guns and ammo are in short supply just about everywhere. Glad I don’t really need anything new. A friend gave me a box of 100 shotgun shells recently which was a nice surprise. 9 mm is almost non-existent. A friend paid a lot for a box. Every round shot is like buying a fancy coffee. There’s some 380 available in my area for reasonable money. It’s good to have firearms of different calibers. Personally, I’m glad I stocked up on .22s when they were cheap.
With any luck all I’m going to need my firearms for is hunting season.
In a lot of ways I’m doing this pandemic on easy mode. When I say pandemic I’m not just talking about the virus, but all stuff that goes with it. There’s economic and social upheaval and even spiritual issues to deal with.
Of course, having a sailboat and a hammock on the beach of my little lake certainly helps.
In general my family and friends are handling it pretty well. That’s not to say there aren’t challenges. A deaf friend who lip reads is having a bad time with people wearing masks all the time.
Personally it helps that I’ve had bad times when other people were doing well. It gave me perspective. I’ve been blessed with the threat of the loss of all my material possessions. Once you let that fear of loss go life has a certain new freedom. It’s all just stuff. Money is an illusion.
That’s not that you don’t have to deal with it. For example, one bank just cut $8,000 from my credit line. Now I wasn’t using the credit and had never missed any payments. The main reason I carried that credit in the first place was for emergencies when traveling. No big deal. Next time I travel I’ll deal with emergencies in other ways. There are always solutions. By the way, I mention that because at least a third of Americans have had their credit reduced. If that happened to you, it’s not personal. You didn’t do anything wrong.
Having physical perps is helpful, but the real skill needed in these times is mental flexibility. Also, be kind to yourself when you aren’t handling things well. We are all allowed some bad moments. If they persist too long and cripple your life, don’t be afraid to get help.
Looks like the formatting of my last post was a bit messed. I don't know why Blogger thinks it a good idea to make people have to learn a whole new system every now and then. Some bloggers have just given up. This post is being done a bit different so I hope it works.
I'm not a survivalist. I'm into thriving. Fear is a powerful control mechanism. It's a trap
. . . . and yet, I wear a mask. That's because I did a lot of research and came to the conclusion that it couldn't hurt and might help a lot. Also, I like messing up facial recognition. If I'm wrong there's no harm done. If I'm right, I might save my life. My mask is so good that using a public porta potty is not a bad experience.
My lovely wife and I have been doing some local travel and really enjoying the outdoors. Temperatures have been pretty hot for northern NH, so being on the lake has been a good thing. Odds are we'll be staying clos to him this winter. Looking forward to a lot of winter activities. As long as temperatures don't linger below zero for weeks on end it should be doable.
There's a lot of debate about kids going back to school. It got me thinking about how I'd feel about it if this would have happened when I was kid. Personally, I would have jumped at the chance not to go to school. It sucked. My grades were good, but I always felt school took too much time and kept me from learning cool stuff.
There's a lot of things changing right now. That can be a good thing. Frankly, there was a lot of stuff that didn't work for most people before this pandemic. Since we have restart everything, might as well do it in a new way. It could be in big ways, like work and school, or in smaller ways. For example, I think I'm done paying for haircuts.