
Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Near Miss

My lovely wife were making our way home in the dark when a good sized moose (there really aren't any small ones) sauntered out of the woods and into the road. I stepped on the brakes and swerved to the soft shoulder. Missed it by about 25 feet. I'm glad I keep my brakes in top condition.

Unlike deer, the eyes of a moose don't reflect headlights. It doesn't help that their natural color blends in with everything -including night. All a driver can do is to keep alert to any moving patches of darkness. Sometimes the only warning is when the fog line is suddenly blocked from view.

There are areas where moose are more likely to be seen so extra care is taken approaching those areas. However, moose don't run on rails. They go wherever they want so could pop up anywhere. When the bugs are bad, they often come out to the roads where there are fewer insects.

Once we got home I discovered a 4.5 gallon jug of waste veggie oil had broken free and slide across the cabin of my camper van. It had sprung a small leak and several cups of oil had spread across the van floor. I poured the rest of the veggie into the van's veggie fuel tank and put off the clean up until morning.

One of the good things about a ambulance/camper conversion is that ambulances are designed to be hosed out. No doubt my van has seem much worse stuff than a veggie oil spill. A bit of Simple Green cleaner, a few buckets of hot water, and it was in pretty good shape. Pretty minor damage, considering how bad things would have been had the van hit that moose.



  1. Moose VS. Veggie van both lose!! glad it was a near miss and not a bullseye.Some times a moose steak on the grill is a bad thing.

    1. Much as I like a good moose steak, I like my van more.

  2. Is there any way to corral the jugs better? Maybe individual bungees plus a group one?

    1. My system works fine with either a full load of jugs or just a few. It's the middle range that's been giving me problems. Might have to install some more tie down points.

  3. Glad no one was hurt! We have many deer and bear accidents here. Both can do a lot of damage to a car or a truck, but I bet hitting a moose would be worse! Stay safe up there!

    1. Hit one years ago and didn't like it much.

  4. When I was knee high to a chopping block, our local rurals was open range, and things were pretty exciting when you would turn a corner and find a herd of cows in the roadway. The dark colored were especially hard to spot, but their eyes DO glow in headlamps so that helps.

    Glad you avoided an accident - good reflexes!

    1. Thanks. We get the occasional escaped dairy herd here, but moose in the road are much more common.

  5. The only moose I have seen have been in the daylight. A fellow that lives down the road from me had his rhinoceros get loose and get on the road and stopped cars. The cops couln't get it to move. The people who watched it said it was a real comedy.

    1. How would you like to explain hitting a rhinoceros to the insurance company? That would be fun!

  6. Yes, indeed, you're veggie-mobile has seen much worse than spilled veggie oil. Glad to hear you and the Mrs. were able to avoid the swamp donkey

    1. Don't need to know the details. . .

      We are fine, and even the swamp donkey is fine -but still ugly as sin.

  7. On an entire different topic; I came across this link to a human powered houseboat I thought you might like to have a look at.
