
Sunday, September 10, 2017

Zero Day

Long distance trail hikers have the concept of a “zero day.” That's a day when they take it easy and hike zero miles.

I think you don't have to be a hiker to have a zero day. Saturday was my lovely wife and I's zero day. The week just caught up with us. We both woke up achy and sore with upset tummys. If we really had to function we could have pushed through it We didn't have to.

Friday we buried my cousin. As an only child my cousins were more like brothers and sisters to me. He was only 57, two years younger than me. He was a kind man and loved to joke around. For me the saddest thing was having to watch his mother. Parents should not have to bury their kids.

Well, for the rest of us life goes on. However, some days it just goes on a slower pace. Better to take the occasional zero day rather than wait until we get really sick and have to stop.



  1. I was sorry to hear about your cousin. Right you are about a parent not having to bury their children, though.
    Zero days are good, for sure!

    1. Thanks Hermit Jim. Sometimes we all need a Zero Day.

  2. You are right that parents shouldn't have to burry their children. We had to burry our son quite a few years ago. Highway accident.

    1. My condolences as the pain never fully goes away. My brother-in-law died at 17 in a boating accident. It's tough.

  3. Sorry about your cousin. You did well to take a day off, I think it DOES beat the alternative.

    1. Once in a while a recovery day is in order. Time for rest and reflection.
