
Friday, July 7, 2023

State of the Schools

I keep hearing from teachers looking to leave the profession. They’ve had it. Some are hoping to squeak out another year or two before they can retire. Others, retirement being too far off, are walking away from the profession. 

Low pay has always been an issue, but that’s not the main complaint I’m hearing now. The big complaint is that they can’t do their jobs. Politicians determine what can and can’t be taught. Children can’t be disciplined and their parents support that. Kids feel they don’t need to learn anything as everything is available on their phones. 

In the mean time elite private schools have banned the use of phones and computers in class. That, boys and girls, is how the elite will continue to be on top. 

Personally, one of the big things that concerns me is the lack of respect for hard facts. Right answers in Math isn’t important. Superstitious beliefs and Science are on the same level in people’s minds. That is,  when superstition doesn’t rule totally supreme. 

Then there’s the simple fact that young people aren’t learning social skills needed for a functioning society. 

Darn, I sound like a cranky old man. Perhaps that what I am. 

Doesn’t mean I’m wrong.



  1. After getting my MME and working the trades for ten years. I decided to get certification to teach. Substituted in the local HS to get familiar with students and faculty procedure.
    By the time I finished four semesters of teachers ed. My desire to be involved with teaching , had evaporated !
    Primarily because of the same reasons you just now reiterated.
    That was back in the eighties too. Things R much worse now !
    Glad I went sailing instead...

    1. Like John said, good choice. I did a few weeks of substitute teaching years ago and that was enough. I got along much better with the "troubled" kids than I did with the administration.

  2. I hear you 6 Bears. Currently I'm up to a baker's dozen of millennials and whatever you name the next generation) that I've taken under wing. Teaching them about balancing a checkbook, cooking from scratch and knowing the difference between a Problem and an Inconvenience.

    It's an Inconvenience if you cannot use that credit card for a Starbucks coffee and have to brew your own. It's a Problem if you cannot pay your power bill.

    I found myself in approval of one young nurse that started carrying a reusable Starbucks cup "To look in the club" but filled it from her thermos from home.

    Smart thinking, a balance of social mores and real-life skills.

    We've several generations of youngsters that cannot do any of the above. And it shows. Some are in politics and are part of the problem.

    Happily, my children and grandchildren are not in that group. They are doing well with excellent work ethics.

    Parents that don't discipline (lately can get arrested for any form of it), teachers that don't teach real life skills like 2+2= 4 not whatever you "feel" is right and such.

    Ever read Atlas Shrugged? When those linemen stop bothering to work in all types of weather because their income is simply stolen by taxes, when police simply drive by the robbery because they face getting a trip to Prison for "Being Racist" and so on.

    The lights go out, and most of us die off for lack of water, food, meds and personal safety as ever more crazy mobs rush around seeing power and food.

    Today is recycling old stable gas and generator services. That and taking a neighbor to grocery shop.

    Stay out of the sun friend. Glad your leg is getting better. Do you have a extra script for the next time it happens again?

    1. Still feeling out the Dr. about the script. His concern is that I don't get medical attention enough as it is. I'm already a bit too "do it yourself" for him. However, he freely admits I'm doing something right as most people with my background are already passed on.

      My kids and grandkids will do fine. It's a shame that too many kids were taught useful skills. Like my daughter once said, "I brought the power tools into the relationship." It is amusing to do house remodeling with my daughter while my son-in-law does childcare. However, he's a wiz with computers and makes a very good living -good enough so that my daughter can home school. Works out.

  3. Being a teacher in our local High School, I can't disagree. That is the sorry state of things, and it won't improve until the "Majority" wakes up. I to am one who remains employed for silly things like insurance and other circumstances.

    1. I know you are counting the days. Hang in there.
