
Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Not too mature

So picture this. I go to the big box store and see some older guy fetching stray grocery carts. He’s wearing the little company vest and a big frown. Recognizing the guy, I realize he’s a man who once snubbed me back when I was going through hard times.

Now a mature person wouldn’t gloat over another’s misfortune. Lucky for me, I’m not that mature and can gloat. In fact, I rather enjoyed myself. So I’m not perfect.

Maybe it runs in the family. My favorite uncle once backed out of a business deal because he thought it was too shady. The guy told my uncle he had no guts. Weeks later my uncle saw the guy being led away in hand cuffs. “So long guts!” my uncle shouted at the guy as the cops hauled him away.

We’d all like to think the universe is fair: the good are rewarded and the bad are punished. That’s one theory. Another theory is that the universe has a twisted sense of humor. Some days that’s the second theory fits the facts better.

A buddy of mine was fired from a job. A few years later he was at a company interviewing people to be his assistant. The guy who fired him had applied for the job. Imagine the guy’s face when he discovered who he had to interview with.

There’s a saying that you should be careful how you treat people on your way to the top. You’ll meet them on the way down.

Once in a while life gives you these little presents. Hope you aren’t so mature that you don’t enjoy them.



  1. Replies
    1. Yeah, these things sometimes bring a smile to my face.

  2. The Lord tells us NOT to enjoy them. Guess that's what makes us all sinners! ;-)

  3. Phyllis (N/W Jersey)October 16, 2012 at 6:13 AM

    Once, I had the pleasure of telling the most vile, nastiest woman in the world "You're fired!" And I didn't feel guilty or sad about it either...

  4. Soon we shall have the chance to tell Rmoney...Your fired ! Nice change up that would be for a man that says he enjoys firing folk.

    1. On less generous days, I think of elections as revenge.

  5. . . . and sometimes it's fun to watch!

  6. I call this a gift, to bad it's not gift wrapped.

  7. The guy who had a vendetta against me and a few others, and canned me from the power plant was "asked to resign" two months later. Karma...

    1. It's a story I hear over and over again. Sometimes Karma is pretty quick.

  8. I worked with a woman who was young enough to be my daughter, she said nasty things, to all people when they fired her, I was asked to a deposition by two fellows she made homophobic remarks daily..the person who did the deposition was someone I knew I had to recuse myself, but I head plenty from that fellow..What you yell out to the universe comes back in karmic ways, oh yes it truly does. The fellows won their lawsuit they don't have to work anymore all because someone never taught that young educated woman any manners..It is sorely missing in our country and around the world who made people God for a day, week or a lifetime of their working careers??? No one as I can see, let people Be and Be whomever they want to be, Judge not lest ye be judged..and finally people get Bible verses totally wrong, I have heard many in my short lifetime say Vengeance is Mine..they forgot the rest of the quote it is Vengeance is mine sayeth the Lord I will repay, not Vengeance is Mine sayeth the Lord, God knows when a person is naughty and will take care of that person it just takes some time and patience is truly a your blog!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Keep happy, warm and get out and enjoy some of the lovely beauty where you live, the rains, snow and ice will get there soon enough we know out here in the pacific northwest it rained so much in the last 3 days we have no record of that kind of rain, oh, well 111 days of sun and blue skies one cannot get away with that without some rain.Happy Halloween too!

  9. The fellow who did the depostions told me plenty it just came out, oh, my goodness that young woman was absolutely horrible..I have seen her in this small community, how could she live with herself for being so nasty, bullying and just plain terrible. She lost her job, the company had ot shell out lots of dough, many were afraid of her, I was not, my very last day, I said in the lowest voice I could that her day was coming and I felt badly she never ever learned that others had feelings and no manners..She cursed at me, but I had a smile on my face and most heard in the break room, I held my head high and walked out of the place like a lady should and did not abandon the workers who were being treated like crap...After I got my last paycheck I went to my former boss who was retiring and said be prepared for a big lawsuit because of that young woman, she knew and decided to retire and never looked back she was deposed too..Why can't companies let people go immediately when they have a rotten apple, many years ago behavior like that would never have been put up with, they were afraid of her and paid the big price..In life one has to pay for their Karma and I truly believe it is like a bad shirt, bad penny it follows you to your family too. oh, my goodness I could have never worked much with that person in charge she was just terrible, but she paid for it..NO MANNERS AND NO IDEA OF OTHERS FEELINGS AT ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!

  10. My Father was about to fire a fellow who he knew treated me poorly at a job when i was a teenager. He (jokingly?) asked if I would like to sit in the room. I was just happy to gloat a bit.
