
Sunday, July 2, 2017

Future Home?

My lovely wife and I were talking. If we didn't live where we live now, where would we live? While we didn't narrow it down to a specific place, we had some idea what we'd like.

We'd like a tiny house, a shack really. The catch is it would need to be on a waterway that connected to the ocean and have a really good dock. We wouldn't actually live in the shack. We'd live on a nice sailboat docked at the property.

The shack would be a good place to keep some of our stuff, park a car, and to keep a washing machine and dryer. Heck, a good garage would probably do the job.

Of course, it would have to be cheap, but that's not out of the question. There are places in the US that fit the bill. There are also places all over the Caribbean that would fit the bill just as well too. If we did end up on an island somewhere we'd probably want some sort of airport on the island too.

We may do anything like that, but we may. Unless you think of possibilities you'll end up doing nothing at all.



  1. And then there are tidal waves. ;-)

  2. and hurricanes.
    and islands with less than salubrious sewerage treatment.
    if you want to live on the water, okay.
    but you do need a land base to which to return. unless you are a merman.

    1. That's why I would want nothing more than a shack. Little to lose.

  3. Just looked at some bargain rural campgrounds. $1000 for six months near kalamazoo Michigan. Amish country. Seriously nice summer weather on lakes, plus electricity cost.

    1. Was wondering about also sailboat overnight sleeping after launch from free boat launch areas. How easy to boat camp for free, going lake to lake.

    2. Varies by area. Goes from easy to near impossible.

  4. Yes, I considered recommending different places in Michigan as our lakes are like the ocean only not salty and no sharks. BUT, we also have that pesky little problem of winter. At least being in a sailboat in the ocean you can move yourself out of the pathway of said hurricane, not so much old man winter :(

    1. Winter cold is the deal breaker. Outside of that, it's ideal. :)
