When you live in snow country summer is a time to get certain things done. You really don’t want to do outside construction projects in the winter. Some things, like painting, really can’t be done in the cold.
The last two summers I was dealing with bad leg infections. The pain and other issues made projects nearly impossible to do. Just to make it worse the antibiotics I was on made me sun sensitive. It was very easy to burn so covering up was essential. All those coverings caused overheating.
So now my legs are no longer infected. All the wounds are healed up and there’s almost no pain anymore. My big issue right now is to not overdue things. The last thing I need is to reinjure myself and start the infection circus all over again.
Pacing myself is not easy as I’m looking at a two summer backlog of projects. It’s not all going to get done. I’m also going to accept help with things that I used to do by myself. One of the big things is the number of massive cedar trees that I lost over the last couple of winters. They are perilously leaning all over each other in a series of widow makers. I’ve a cousin who does tree removal professionally and he offered to help. I’m taking him up on it.
Of course, all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. Summer is also the time for outdoor fun, so that’s important too.