
Wednesday, August 9, 2023

Never Ending Rain

Thanks to the wet weather I’m way behind on my outside projects. I was a bit bummed about it until I realized everybody is behind. A friend of mine is going nuts due to the weather. He has some outside work that requires decent weather. When the weather’s nice he earns $75/hour. The weather is taking a big chunk out of his income. 

Right now I’ve actually got a paying gig that’s waiting on good weather. 

Even more frustrating is the projects I’m not doing. My Blazer bodywork project was so far behind I sold the vehicle “as is” and moved on. Now I’ve got a nice new hitch for my Ford Escape. Unfortunately the driveway is a lake again. 

When the weather is nice I’m torn. Do I tackle those delayed projects or do I play in the sun? To be honest, playing in the sun wins more often than not. It might seem self indulgent but what’s the price of mental health?



  1. Forecast high for today is 111 in North Central TX. 110 the following several days.
    My grasshopper heard is tick infested.

  2. Beyond a gentle discipline be kind to yourself.

    Next rain hour list what's critical; for the upcoming winter and get it done.

    Enjoy the sunshine.

    1. Still making some progress, but not as much as I'd like.

  3. I agree with Michael, get out in those woods around you. Start gathering up all that wood that is supposedly around you,.. stored wood under cover is security and much drier !
    Your life is and has been for a long time now, filled with leisure activities. Make hay while the sun shines.

    1. I write about the leisure activities as those are fun. Kinda boring to hear about me doing drudge work. A lot more prep going on in the background.

  4. Rain, rain go away us old farts want to play. 80)
