
Friday, August 11, 2023

The Never Ending Story

Well, you hope you’ve heard the last of our little virus of 2019 but it’s the plague that keeps on giving. 

My local numbers are up. Check your area to see what your local conditions are. My lovely wife got a call from a friend who’s quite sick. She suspects she got it from a big church event. My spouse had planned on going to that event but went with me to visit friends downstate instead. Appears to have been the better choice. 

I was feeling pretty crappy all day. My first thought was that my allergies were kicking my backside. However, times being what they are, I took a home test as did my lovely wife. We both tested negative so that’s a relief. It’s the allergies after all. 

Just a heads up.



  1. Protect your immune system. Ask your wife for her herbal talents and use them.

    Speaking of which, I'd still enjoy a list of suggested herbal books we discussed before.

    1. Okay Michael: My lovely wife recommends: Indian Herbalogy of North America by Alma R. Hutchens. Since the plant illustrations are sketches pair it with a good plant photo id book. A lot of her knowledge is contained in extensive personal notes that she took over the years, pulling bits and pieces from various sources.

  2. Friend of mine reported last night that he is recovering from second bout. Home tests were negative both times - it was PCR test at hospital that confirmed it for him.

    1. That happens. Keep in mind that due to home testing official numbers are under reporting the true extent of the problem.

  3. If you're vaxxed and boosters up to date, you have no worries.

  4. Sometimes an allergy is a good sign. The numbers up here in the North Country are at the point that they were when we all began panicking and masking up. It's incredible what happens when government entities tell you it's safe. Have we all been programed that well?

    1. We make our own decisions, but getting good information to make those decisions can be tough.
