
Saturday, August 26, 2017

Stay safe Texas

Stay safe Texas. Hope everyone is taking every precaution. This storm is going to go on for days yet. My prayers are with you.

My Texas in-laws are at their summer place in Missouri. They don't know if they'll have a house to come back to in Texas, but I'm glad they are safe now.



  1. Thanks, Sixbears. Bubba Hermit Jim and I are ok, though he's about 40 miles south of me and closer to Galveston. Looks like Harvey has decided to go visit the hill country, but that still puts us the "dirty" side, and the rain may go on for 3 0r 4 more days. So far, so good.

    1. Glad to hear you guys are hanging in there. I've a sister-in-law in Channelview so keeping in touch with her.

  2. Talked to my cousin , down Houston way.
    He's hunkered down out on his hunting lease. Says it's dry up that way so far.
    Tho he too doesn't know if his house will be good to go. Says if it only put down ten inches it'll be all right...if thirty inches fall , then he owns a house boat !

    1. Can you believe some places may get as much as 50 inches? That's just crazy.

    2. My 80 year old in-laws live in the Rockport area. They got out on their landline this morning and told me they were okay but no electricity. The winds were 90 mph through the night.

    3. They got hit bad. Glad they are Okay and that their landline works.
