
Friday, February 9, 2024

Bugging out might be the thing

In general I’m an advocate of bugging in. Your home is where your resources, friends, family and community are. You know the terrain and can plan for your local conditions. That works for a lot of issues -perhaps the vast majority of them. 

The  big downside to bugging out is that you are basically a refugee. There’s only so much stuff you and bring with you to a place you might not know all that well. You may have to rely on the kindness of strangers. It’s not a comfortable spot to be in. 

However . . . 

Picture being a German Jew in the 1930s. All the home prep in the world will not save you when the Nazis come to power. The only thing to do is to bug out. Those who left Germany early had a leg up. They could plan, liquidate assets, and move somewhere else. They were looked at as immigrants, not refugees and that’s a big difference. 

It takes a lot of courage and will to leave when few see how serious the threat is going to be. 

Keep your eyes open, prepare for the possibility of bugging out, and leave earlier rather than later. 



  1. One set of my Grandparents left Germany during the Weimar Republic. Grandfather was a Banker who saw the writing on the wall. They sold off assets at a loss and left first for France, England and finally NYC where a Banker became a dock worker to provide a boarding room and food for his family.

    All through the journey a bit of gold smoothed the path. Wedding rings given to German Transport police to allow them to get on the train. To a dab of gold as pre-union fees in NYC to get a job.

    That was back when Gold was real money. Today's fiat money is declared real, and you cannot buy at Walmart with gold.

    I agree NEVER be a Refugee, always have more than one plan for somewhere to go to.

    Problem is the loss of civilization has become global. Where do you go if your fleeing America? I used to be interested in Peru but even there economic stressors make NON-Citizens targets for trouble.

    Currently only a wildfire is my bugout trigger. And I've prepped my property to resist smaller wildfires.

    1. You have some great family history.

      I come from a long line of people who've crossed borders before things got dicey. That's how you leave descendants.

      My bug out conditions are always being evaluated as threats change.

  2. So, 6 Bears where would you bug out too?

    I used to say Canada, but they are going totalitarian (Freezing bank accounts of protesters and such) and have Medically Assistance in Dying (MAID) that seems aimed at less productive souls.

    I really would like some ideas here.

    1. I think Canada is just a first stop for me. The border is almost a stone throw away from me. However, they are going more totalitarian. Pretty tempted to move back on a sailboat and head down to the Carib.

    2. That would likely be an option for us , if push comes to shove. Lot of real nice yachts , parked within a five mile radius of the house.
      Like everything else at that point, up for grabs on a first come basis. If you dare to be brave eh
