
Sunday, June 23, 2024

Put up or shut up day

It was put up or shut day for registering for the Scooter Cannonball Run. I’ve been yammering on about it for a while. Previous participants had a week or two before now to register. The remaining slots opened up Saturday at 10 a. m..  

The registration site got hammered with traffic. It took a bit but I was eventually able to get the process started. That was going well until it came time to pay. 

My card was declined. Okay . . .  So I was thinking that maybe I entered something incorrectly? Reloading the information didn’t work -a few times. 

Then I called my bank. They placed me on hold for a quite a while. Their fraud line was super busy for some reason. Eventually a human came on the line. The Cannonball had been flagged as a possible fraudulent purchase. After being put on hold three times the card was finally released. 

With the bank guy still on the phone I attempted the registration process again. No joy. However, the bank guy was able to determine that it was the Cannonball web site shutting me out this time -probably due to my multiple attempts. 

So I called up Dave at the Cannonball. He was able to manually enter in all my information and the purchase finally went through.

Now I’m registered as Sixbears and my number is 58. The event is a year away -which is good as I’ve got to work hard to get into condition. 

Should be fun.



  1. Chuckling, you're as hardheaded as my Portuguese Wife :-).

    But then again, her stubbornness has helped keep our marriage going so... decades fly.

    My great concern friend is the damage to the slowly healing legs of yours. Daily walking and such help them heal and sitting for hours riding?

    1. Yep, I'm stubborn -and more than a bit crazy.

      Walking is very good and it's nice to be able to get back into that. For some reason I find the scooter easier on the legs than riding in a car. Maybe it's because the muscles work a lot more? It also helps that the PCX has plenty of foot room and I can change positions a lot.

  2. Best of luck on your adventure! After following the youtube videos of previous events I had considered doing the Cannonball but after putting together a working budget gave up the idea. Just getting from the east coast to the west coast starting line would be a significant expense not to mention the event expenses and cost of the return trip home. God speed and I'll be following your reports of your preps and adventures during the event!

    1. Logistically it's about the worse it could be compared to previous years. However, I'm not getting any younger and that's a consideration. I've been saving up for a while.
