
Monday, June 10, 2024

Restrictions on Travel

You might have a great bug out location but actually getting to it in an emergency could be an issue. Some off us are old enough to remember all air traffic being shut down after the 911 attacks. It was only for a few days but people didn’t know how long it would be at the time. With air traffic shut down the country became much harder to cross. There were multiple incidents of strangers pooling resources to rent and drive vehicles long distances. 

In more recent years we have the pandemic shut downs. I was very lucky to make the drive north from Florida to New Hampshire before things got too crazy. At one point Interstate 95 was nothing but a very long parking lot. We’d been home about two days when that happened. 

We’ve gotten very used to being able to travel long distances quickly. We also expect roads to be open and state borders to be of little import. All that can change in an instant.

Of course, one solution is to live in the location you want to bug out to. That’s great most of the time. One issue with living in a remote place is that it’s often necessary to travel for goods and services. Where I live most people think nothing about a 100 mile drive for shopping or longer drives to go to a good hospital. 

The “bad thing” could happen while you are away from your lovely location doing other errands. That’s something I think about from time to time. Then I try and figure out how I would actually make it back -or if it’s too dangerous to even attempt the journey. 

Just some though experiments here.



  1. As I dislike the smell and hazard of gas cans inside the car, but gas troubles is a real problem(tm).

    I've given serious thought about the tins of sealed pure non-ethanol gasoline they sell.

    Expensive per gallon BUT what's the value of getting home?

    That and un-used gear needed to get it from the can to the cars fuel tanks (I tried to pour one from the can, messy a funnel please) seem worthwhile.

    1. I miss my veggie burning diesels. Waste veggie oil is a lot less hazardous than gasoline. It was common to carry enough veggie fuel for 1000+ miles of travel.
