
Saturday, June 8, 2024

Repairs and black flies

The black flies know when your hands are busy and unavailable to swat bugs. The parts for the scooter finally came in. The rain hadn’t started yet so fixing the scooter seemed like a good idea. The black flies also thought it was a good idea. By the time everything was torqued down into place the bugs had turned me into a bloody mess. 

After cleaning up I geared up and went for a short ride. Everything functioned the way it was supposed to. 

Some friends were gathering for a potluck and campfire about five miles away. It was really tempting to take the scooter but I decided to take the car. Good idea as a thunderstorm moved in and it rained like Noah was lied to. Not only was the rain extremely heavy fog rolled in. I drove 30 mph or less the whole way home. 

We did luck out as the thunderstorm only moved in about the time we were wrapping it up for the night. 

When I got home there were more scooter parts in the mailbox. I’m going to try some Dr. Pulley sliders for the scooter transmission. While it’s tempting to install them right away the wise move might be to let the black flies die down a bit first. 



  1. How’s the war inUkraine going

    1. No idea about the black flies there.

      Do I look like a news site?

      Let me check with my correspondents in the field. Sheesh.

  2. What pray tell does Ukraine have to do with black flies and scooter repair?

    Almost as bad as working from home scammers.

    So back to the real post, why did you not move the scooter inside on a tarp to fix?


    1. Inside where? My kitchen? Sure, the lovely wife is away right now but she didn't like the time I rebuilt a water pump on the kitchen table.

    2. Yeah, mine is a little particular about her kitchen also, even though I'm the main chief and dishwasher :-)

    3. It's her kitchen -you just work there.

    4. (insert Luke's it can't be true, that's impossible, here) I am the master of the kitchen! It's mine, all mine! As a I pad barefoot to make coffee for us.

      It's what we do for those we love.
