
Monday, July 22, 2024


In my last post I made of point of pushing some people’s buttons. It was very educational. Traffic to the site jumped 40 – 50%. 

If that sort of thing was important to me I’d be hitting those emotional buttons all the time. News and  pretend news sites are aware of what drives traffic. They know upsetting people is good for business. Never forget that news is a business and their main focus is to make money. 

The “pay” from this site is insignificant and that’s not a problem. I certainly don’t do this to make money. That frees me to say whatever I want to say. 



  1. Fine by me. Agree with me, disagree with me, no big deal. Just be respectful-- which includes telling me when I've lost my marbles. Anyway, my Dem friends didn't believe me when I started saying two years ago that Biden would drop out, and that it would likely be Kamala and Pete. Now they don't believe that combo can win. They don't see how unpopular Trump really is, and how even average opposition would spur enough turnout to win it-- and Kamala and Pete are very, very average, at best. Personally, I think Newsom-Michelle would win in a cake walk, and maybe help take back the House, though I'd never vote for them. The question is, though, do the Dems actually want to win? Will it be the obvious dive, like 2008 GOP, or will they make a mild show of it first, like the 2004 Dems? Let's see who TPTB choose, and what kind of campaign they run.
    BTW, if Dems win in Nov., and it's Kamala, I think Biden hands over the Presidency early. He might even do it after the convention. We'll see what we shall see.

  2. Since your experiment was such a resounding success...

    I suggest a second experiment 6 Bears.

    The GOP Convention in Wisconsin closed without notable street troubles.

    Let's make bets how exciting the Democratic Convention will be.

    Actually, I hope your right that the Democrats "win" the WH. Less street violence that way.

    Like offending the Muslims is also a bad idea for the same reasons. Look to France, Germany, Sweden and so on for daily reports about that.

    Mostly peaceful but fiery protests, isn't that "our democracy"?

    I'm concerned about my grandchildren's lives.

  3. 6 Bears a good explanation why I despise Both "Parties" in American Kabuki Theater err Politics.

    I would be Honored if you read and commented about this article. Author isn't a Democrat nor a Republican as far as I can tell.

    1. Okay . . . I gave it a read. There's the deep state and then there's a level that makes the deep state look like the junior leagues. That's something I don't get into too much. However, it does matter on a day to day basis on who's sitting in the Oval Office.

    2. Ok. I suspect JFK might have some words about that.

