
Thursday, July 25, 2024

Well that’s going to be fun

Looks like our election is going to be very interesting this fall. Here’s a thought: just like Joe won’t be running it’s entirely possible Donald won’t be either. At his age anything can happen -just like what we saw with Joe. 

But enough of politics for now. I think I stirred up the hornet’s nest enough. 

Speaking of a hornet’s nest, a good friend was mowing her lawn on a riding mower and hit a ground hornet’s nest. She was stung repeatedly then fell off her mower and broke her arm. That’s what messing with a hornet’s nest will get you. In her case I wish it was only a metaphor. 

Weather here has been very wet with intense storms. A trip to VT right now involves some long detours to avoid damaged bridges and blocked roads. I’m very careful on my scooter these days. Where there once road shoulders there are three or four foot ditches. There are parts of the road to my place that are crumbling into the river. It’s like we now have spring floods several times during the summer. 

I’ve ordered a backup battery pack for my cpap. Right now I run it off my solar electric system. That’s good backup for the grid but lately I feel I need backups for my backups. While it’s still possible to turn money into useful things I might as well take advantage. Money always felt kinda make believe to me. 

Not a bad time to round out your preps. There may be some civil unrest in our future and I know there will be nasty weather issues. 



  1. Agree, 6 Bears spending rapidly depreciating dead president paper into useful things is wise.

    BTW what logistical chain is required to CPAP during the Scooter Cannonball? As my wife uses one and we travel it's sometimes interesting.

    1. I've a CPAP mini. It comes with an AC connector. I added a 12 volt DC adapter and just ordered a battery pack that it can plug directly into. That's supposed to last a couple of days.
      I'm going to test to see if it can be charged up from the scooter. The PCX has a decent voltage output. If that's not practical I'll make sure to work in a hotel stay every few days.

      While car camping I've been able to run a CPAP off a 100 watt panel charging a trolling motor battery.

  2. Been searching for a small camper , that our toy yoyo's could pull. Finally found one, an eleven and a half foot older Nomad. It came from New Mexico here recently. So is is fairly decent shape and shows no sign of having any water leaks. For a fifty year old camper, that's amazing !
    Though they do go for extreme prices here bouts. Could have bought a thirty five foot fifth wheel for the price I had to give..
    No more tent camping lol

    1. Decent small campers are hard to find. I looked into building a foamy so I'd have something lightweight. I was also tempted by the small A-liner trailers. For now, however, we are back to tents. Really miss the converted ambulance.
