
Sunday, July 21, 2024

Like it or not

This is going to tick off a lot of people but this is how I see the election going down. 

It almost doesn’t matter who the Democrats run against Trump. The Democrat is going to win it. 

If you are in the Trump bubble you won’t see it. He has a solid core group of people who’ll vote for him no matter what. They are also very vocal. They make so much noise that the Trump crowd seems bigger than it is. 

There are more people who will not vote for Trump no matter what. That ranges from never Trumper Republicans to Bernie Sanders liberals. Heck, some folks just won’t vote for a convicted felon. 

Expect a lot of right wing election denial in November, but there will be a Democrat President come January. 

Do what you want with this info, but be aware this is not an invite for a debate. If you really want to live in a country run by an authoritarian I hear Russia has a labor shortage. 



  1. Sure hope you are incorrect. However, the commie libtuds will be cheating a LOT harder this time to get brandon FJB into the oral office again.

    1. Mr anon, even tho the only fraudulent election tampering found so far came from the right...

  2. I certainly hope you are correct Bear man.
    I am and always have been mostly on the conservative side of things. Though that side of Republicans have all become Independent and left the tRump party.
    Trouble is. The Dems just can't seem to get real qualified moderates to run...Joe is too old.
    Trump is a nightmare, criminal and just plain nuts.
    Either way the economy is going to be toast.
    At least under Joe , we will still be free and have the right to vote.

  3. Everybody has their own facts friends. I however notice that since the victory of Biden that gasoline and everything else I buy is FAR MORE EXPENSIVE.

    I've not noticed my retirement or Social Security rising anywhere near that amount, so my income is less in effect.

    Anybody want to show facts different? Maybe the cost of dental floss the same or something?

    We somehow managed to avoid being at war with anybody (aside from the Afghanistan ongoing fiasco that Trump attempted to remove us from, want the links if you doubt?)

    As of this morning we are almost in a direct WAR with a nuclear armed Russia over a 404 country most Americans couldn't find on a globe. Assisting Israel in starting a nice Middle East war (genocide anybody?) and China is pushing around Asia as their "concerns" about the USA's defense agreements WANE.

    Actually, I was AFRAID that like the Democrats running a dead dog candidate against the Republican's Hoover that they were going to PLACE the Next Greater Depression on Trump and Make America Great Again folks.

    So please keep your "successes" going, keep and OWN the WW3 and a Greater Depression.

  4. Michael, amazing you give facts and the left gives their “feelings”. I’m still rofl over “it’s the science” without actually giving and scientific proof. Most people are just sheep.

  5. Facts checkers *Still* think that Biological MEN can get pregnant.

    I love the meme of a microscope looking at stacks of 100 dollar bills saying who ever pays the bills gets the "Scientific Proof" they need.

    The Pendulum is coming back to center and sadly will go far right as angry humans are still running Wetware 1.0 and Dresden occurs.

  6. Couldn't agree with you more.
