
Friday, July 12, 2013

More thoughts on jury duty

Ever wonder why people are paid so little for jury duty? Because if you don't show up a police officer will haul you in front of a judge, that's why.

I'm old enough to remember the military draft. Wages in the armed services were pretty low back then, because they could be. Drafted soldiers had no choice. Once they went to an all volunteer force, the military had to increase wages and benefits.

When the state can coerce with force, they don't feel the need to properly compensate people.

If they really thought our jury system was valuable, they'd pay accordingly. Imagine people had the right to refuse. Then they'd have to make the job financially attractive.

Yes, bla bla bla, civic duty, bla bla bla, honor and privilege, bla bla bla.

Maybe I'm just a tad sick and tired of being told something forced on me is a honor.

However, I'd pay money to be on a jury if we could judge Wall Street fat cats. That would be an honor and a great civic duty.



  1. I served once on a jury.the case was so weak the judge made the prosicution send a letter of apoligy to all jurors for wasting our time.I was called last year but didnt go i recieved a letter stating i had failed my civic duty and COULD have charges placed against me.Never heard from them again.I choose the jokes i take part in and our legal system isnt on the list.

  2. Interestingly, a man here in New Zealand has just been sentenced to ten days in prison for not being prepared to serve on a jury... He is appealing to the High Court.
    What a waste of taxpayer's dollars, time and energy... but I suppose, we must all do our duty when called upon...
    Or do we...

  3. There would be a line 10 miles long ready to serve if we could ever get the idiots in Washington to trial.

  4. Every day you read about a farmer being arrested for selling raw milk, or a kid being fined for running a lemonade stand without a license or a guy being charged with obstruction of justice for not letting the cops use his house for a stakeout. A judge will convict those people because they have often technically broken a law, only a jury can act to protect the public against stupid laws and corrupt cops. Sure most cases are going to be dog bites, traffic accidents and other cases that don't need juries, but whatever happens in the Zimmerman case, the state and it appears the judge want him convicted and his only real hope is that the jury does its job. So when you lazy assed sacks of shit whine about jury duty I know that it is time for me to say adios.

    1. I'm such a opinionated bastard that they sent me home from jury duty instead of allowing me to serve. In my second time I was called in and they took one look and the judge sent me home straight off. I was wearing my mountain man sunday best and there was a ruckus because I showed up armed to the teeth. I ain't domesticated cattle. My last divorce went of without a hitch because they never called me in. She got a whereabouts unknown divorce. They knew where to find me, they chose not to look. I can't wait till things get less civilized. It would be an improvement.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Seem like civilization hasn't set you back too much. I'm amused.
