
Thursday, August 15, 2024

Another Doctor’s Visit

So I’m 66 and on Medicare. Now that I have decent enough medical insurance I’m keeping my doctor’s appointments. 

It also helps that I have a doctor I actually get along with. There haven’t been too many of those over the years. Too many of my former doctors appear to have never heard of the “Do no harm” pledge. Then there’s the doctor I saw when I was 35. He told me I’d never make it to 45. 

My doctor’s visit on Wednesday went much much better than that. It’s nice to hear a doctor say that I’m doing “fantastic!” How sweet is that? Not to shabby for an older fat guy. 

Oh yeah, about the fat guy part. I’m working on that too with a doctor’s supervision. I made some progress. My clothes fit looser. The driver’s seats in my cars are more comfortable too. It’s like the seats can slide back a few more inches now -but it’s not the seats, it’s me. 

Anyway, I’m encouraged. There’s plenty of more stuff I’d like to do while on this pretty blue marble of a planet.



  1. For the longest time , I weighed in at two hundred lbs. From when eighteen to 60 yrs old. Had my accident and now my weight seems stuck at 185. Lost fifteen lbs , but it all went to my middle lol. Now at age 70 , my guns are skinnier and so are my legs.
    Sucks when your legs give out...but I keep working at it too.
    Nice to hear you're making progress

    1. It's been a tough couple of years. Right now it's great to be mostly pain free.

  2. A good report, thanks for a bit of cheer :-)

    Weight is something that takes daily attention, yet some mercy as not to get stuck on a thin gruel sort of life.

    My beloved and I keep a gentle eye on each other's waistlines.

    1. Watching the waistline is easy. . . shrinking it is hard.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Medicare (and a decent supplemental policy) is the best. All my worry about high co-pays and covering the share percentage went away. I went to the ER last year with a potentially serious problem without worrying how much it was going to cost me. The lack of stress from having good health insurance cannot be overstated.

    1. It's nice to be old enough to use our country's socialized medicine. :)
