
Monday, August 5, 2024

Wife’s Close Call

My lovely wife had a close call on the way home from town. She fell asleep at the wheel. She woke up to the sound of tansys slapping against the car as she careened across a field at 60 mph. In the confusion her foot hit the clutch instead of the brake so the car wasn’t slowing down. She was able to avoid a metal highway reflector and steered back onto the road. 

She was fine. 

The next day we backtracked her path. That short section of field was the only place where it was possible to drive off the road with disaster happening. The rest of the 15 mile route she would have gone down steep embankments, into the river, crashed into trees or rocks. Her guardian angel must has PTSD.

Even the car didn’t make out too badly. There’s a loose heat shield that rattles now. It’s an easy fix. All the plant debris plugged up the cabin filter. The last thing is that the front of the car is covered in pounded up tansy bits. 

The car being in good shape is just a bonus. If the car would have been totaled but my lovely wife okay it would still have been a good day. 



  1. I'd be far more concerned WHY she fell asleep in the first place.

    That needs to be addressed today. I know when my wife had sudden sleep episodes it was from years of bad sleep from apnea.

    CPAP cured that. If she's on CPAP then a review is needed ASAP.

    1. We know why. My wife has fibromyalgia. She pushed herself beyond her normal limits for a week and it caught up with her.

    2. Hopefully this moment of good luck will remind both of you how to avoid it next time.

      I don't know what week long efforts is worth my beloved wife getting crippling injury or death.

      As an sailor I recall that luck is mostly preparation meets the troubles at hand.


    3. I'll remind her of this the next time she tries to over schedule.

    4. I'll remind her of this the next time she tries to over schedule.

  2. Be gracious about it, friend. My wife often uses graceful comments to keep ME from harming myself. I'm not the bulletproof young man I once was.
