
Saturday, August 17, 2024

Three Cheers for the Humans

When I want to relax some evenings I listen to a lot of YouTube story channels. Generally I’ll go with a  S/F story. They tend to run somewhere between 10 and 20 minutes. It’s just the right length when I want to take a break but don’t want to commit to a movie. 

When I was getting into those stories it didn’t take too long to discover something about the narration. The best ones had human narrators. It wasn’t long before the AI narrated channels were identified and avoided. 

Both humans and AI make errors. That’s to be expected. After all, to err is human. The AI errors stuck out as being weird. They weren’t the sort of errors that humans make. No doubt, over time, the machines will learn to do a better job. 

I’ll still prefer the humans. There’s something emotionally flat about AI. It’s something you might not pick up in the first few minutes, but after a while it’s noticeable. Humans bring some hard to quantify qualities to story telling. I’ll always support the humans over the machines.

Just for fun, here’s one of the channels I listen to:  I get a kick out of how the narrator even dresses up for the part. While most of these stories aren’t exactly high art, they are entertaining. 


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