
Saturday, September 7, 2024

Another Funeral Day

My uncle passed away and the funeral was on Friday. He was an uncomplicated man but a good and kind man. The old guy played hockey at 80 years old against opponents many years his junior. Unfortunately the last couple of years were rough ones. He died at 85 -not a bad run for anyone. 

It’s been a while since I went a full Catholic funeral. There were calling hours at the funeral home in the morning, a full mass during the early afternoon, followed by a graveside service. Afterwards the friends and relatives gathered at a local restaurant. It was a long and emotional day. 

Between the funeral home expenses, church fees, and the dinner my cousins took a big financial hit. The funeral industry is a monster. They hit you at your most vulnerable. A traditional funeral is stupid expensive. 

I thought my dad’s funeral expenses were bad enough but nothing like what my cousins had to pay. My dad had a falling out with his church before he passed so they were cut out of the mix. Dad was cremated and buried next to my mom’s ashes. We had a celebration in the hall at the Florida park he lived in. That was pretty good as he made a lot of friends down there. Back home in New Hampshire we had a celebration of life ceremony and a nice dinner at a local restaurant. All in all it probably cost about as 10th of what my cousins had to pay and it was a good send off. 

As for myself, when I done with the mortal shell . . . well, trash pick up is on Tuesdays.



  1. Cremation and preplanning keep the wolves of the funerial business away.

    It's also showing love to those left behind. So they don't have to deal with that under stress.

    Dying, it's part of life.

  2. For a very long time my wife declared , that she wished to be buried at sea. Told her this was not allowed except under certain exemptions
    We decided finally , to be cremated.
    She absolutely does not want a traditional underground burial !
    For myself , I agree with your method Bear,
    She will get her wish and ashes
    be cast upon the waves at sea.
    If possible , she will transport my ashes to
    Idaho where my first wife is buried at a pioneer
    cemetery. My name is already on the stone
    my first wife Amy has been waiting fifty years for me

    1. Two of my good friends had their ashes scattered on mountain tops where the views are good and air is clean.

  3. Trash pickup? Have you considered leaving your body to Ralston-Purina?
