So this guy owns this little place on the island. Most of the year, it’s only possible to get there by boat. However, in the winter, if the ice conditions are right, it’s possible to drive there right on the ice. That’s how the trailer got there in the first place.
At the end of the winter, the owner guy goes on a heroic drunk. The ice is about to break up, but being drunk, he decides to drive out to his place on the lake. Somehow, he drives all the out there in the middle of the night, without falling through the ice.
When he sobered up all the ice was gone. A big wind had come up in the night and broken up the ice. He was stuck there until someone with a boat came looking for him.
Funny thing is, the car was stuck on this little island until the next winter.
Looks like a great place to be!
at least he has no worry about losing his parking there to somebody else...
Looks like my kind of place!