
Friday, January 2, 2015

Stupid Ice

On the morning of December 31 I slipped on some ice and fell off a wall onto my back. On the way down I had enough time to think: but my health insurance doesn't start until tomorrow!

Fortunately I did a perfect martial arts landing and didn't get hurt. It's nice to know that after all these years the training still kicks in when really needed.

Rain fell on top of snow, then everything went back into a deep freeze. There's ice everywhere. It's cold enough that even sand doesn't provide much traction as it just slides off. Every outside project takes longer. It's a bit of a Catch 22. I'm getting ready to head south to get away from the ice, but the ice is slowing my departure.

On the other hand, the lake is now one giant skating rink. That doesn't happen every winter. It makes me wish I still had my skates. It's pretty amazing to be able to strap on a pair of skates and just keep going and going. Once in a great while it's the perfect way to travel. I guess ice isn't all bad after all.



  1. yep, am still wondering when will you depart

    for the south or to the emergency room

    meanwhile waiting for liftoff....


    1. I'll be changing trailer wheel bearings in the snow later this morning. Fun, you bet!

  2. Well the up side just in case is you have a back-up insurance plan. Your First-Mate can Captain the boat while you lay back nursing your back, eating grapes, drinking wine and getting a tan all day long! :-)

    1. Good thing she's comfortable wearing the Captain's hat. :)

  3. Glad your training kicked in. I slipped on ice 15-20 years ago and still have a lump in one side of my butt from the bruise!

    1. It doesn't take much to take a tumble. Training helped a lot, but some of it was luck. I landed next to a metal pin sticking out of the ground, so that could have been bad.
