
Saturday, January 27, 2024

The Long Haul

I spent over half of last year dealing with recurring leg infections. Eventually the doctors got around to prescribing strong enough antibiotics for long enough to do the job. With the infection finally gone the pain is finally gone. 

That part’s great. Now I’m dealing with the rest of the recovery. For quite some time my lower legs looked like zombie skin. My legs are starting to look a lot more normal. 

With the legs healed up regular exercise is possible again. I’m a big fat guy and really need to exercise to stay healthy. However, in spite of everything, my blood pressure and blood work never got too bad. That was just luck of the genetic draw. With exercise some weight loss should be a lot easier. 

Last summer there were a lot things I was unable to do. The doctors wanted me to stay out of the water. That’s hard for a water guy who lives on a lake. Good thing I could still ride my motor scooter as it kept me from going crazy from boredom. This summer should be different and I’m looking forward to it. 

As I get older it takes effort to stay functional. On the bright side, I’m still doing better than I was when I first got injured at work when I was 24. Then there’s the time I almost died at 35. Being 65 is almost a surprise and not to be taken for granted.



  1. Our healing does slow down as we age. And some exposures to chemicals and jobs injuries make it harder.

    Someone wise said "it's the age, it's the mileage".

    Take care of yourself buddy. Bastards are everywhere, nice folks are worth protecting.

    Now off to check the driveway ice glaze, carefully.

    1. I've had a few rough miles here and there, that's for sure.
