
Thursday, February 1, 2024

Ah Texas . . . sigh

So now Texas is acting like it can overrule the Federal Government. That’s not a thing. Abe Lincoln settled that question some years ago. Either they don’t know History or are pretending to not know it. It’s a shame that we have governors who don’t know how government works. Considering we had a President who didn’t know how government works it’s no surprise.

Apparently settling the border issue is now off the table as a certain Republican would then have nothing to run on. 

In the mean time there are desperate people drowning in the river. Of course, they aren’t voters so I guess their lives don’t matter. Being downright mean to refugees is policy -for shame. 

We are a country of immigrants. Deal with it. Due to grandstanding political posturing we aren’t fixing the problems in a sane manner. 



  1. You, sir, are a fucking idiot

  2. if you can afford to fly to Mexico, and/or make the several thousand mile trek to the boarder, and then pay a coyote several thousand dollars, you are NOT "desperate:"
    if you have the time to make the several weeks long journey, you have the time to wait your turn.
    i, and most Americans have NO problem with those who come here LEGALLY. we DO have a problem with line jumpers who BREAK OUR LAWS and sneak in without permission.
    build the wall, high and wide, with big doors so those who follow the rules can come in easily.
    and re write the rules, so it is easier to get here legally.

  3. "We are a nation of immigrants."


    We are a nation of citizens.

    BTW, how many of those you're worried about drowning are you inviting to your house?

  4. I see the knee jerk reactions are in full force -as expected. Compassion for our fellow humans is at an all time low.

    1. Knee-jerk response might have a element of truth in them.

      Just because you and I are out of the primary impact zone of illegal immigration doesn't give us the viewpoint of all knowing gods in this situation.

      BTW 6 Bears I understand that NYC is offering to ship out their "sanctuary city Guests " to anyone willing to house them.

      Want the website so YOU can sponsor some poor illegal aliens?

      Please put your home where your opinions are.


    2. We should leave six bears contact details. Put his money where his mouth is.

  5. Large corporations sponsoring corrupt governments cause many to migrate instead of staying in home country and dying.

  6. In our past history, migrants had have sponsors and were not on gov't subsidies. A country can not afford to pay!
