
Friday, June 28, 2024

Knees and hips and other things

When I joined the fire service my dad gave me some great advice. Back then we were still riding on the pumper tailgates while standing up. 

Dad said to always bend your knees. It doesn’t matter how tired you are never lock your legs. Here I am at 66 and my knees and hips are in pretty good shape. That’s impressive considering I’m overweight. 

Most of the guys I worked with had knee and/or hip replacements. My fire captain had 5 knee replacements and ended with a fusion when the last knee went bad. 

It’s funny how a little bit of advice can save you a world of trouble down the line. Of course you have to actually listen to the advice. 

Back in high school there were a lot of people who smoked to look cool. Lung cancer isn’t cool. Even if you avoid the big dangers smoking will age you. It’s really bad for the skin. I’m glad I never started smoking.

Drinking to excess will catch up to -one way or the other. Same goes for hard drugs. 

Bad food will take its toll. I’m fat but I’m fat on good food. Maybe that’s why my sugar and blood pressure results are decent? Actually, maybe it’s just luck with good genetics. 

Here’s one that makes a huge difference: find the right partner in life. So much agony, grief, and financial ruin can happen in the wrong relationship. All the health and financial advice can be tossed out the window if you have a bad relationship. They don’t even have to be bad people -just people who aren’t right for you. Being single is much better than suffering through a bad situation. 

So much in life is unavoidable so it makes sense to practice good habits for the things you can control.


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