
Thursday, September 26, 2024

Bad Gun

The SKS isn’t really a bad gun. It’s pretty reliable. Millions were made both in Russia and under license in other countries. What it isn’t is a sniper rifle. 

The press said that the Trump golf course assassination attempt was with a AK-47. As is often the case concerning firearms the press got it wrong. It was an SKS. Not just any SKS though. This one looks like it was modified. That’s pretty common as SKS rifles used to be really cheap so plenty of “improvements” were available. 

The SKS in question had one of those crappy plastic stocks and a questionable 30 round mag conversion. It appears the scope was, honest to god, attached with electrical tape. This guy would have been unable to hit the side of a barn -from inside the barn. 

At the distances involved, the ballistics of the bullet, and the condition of the rifle, hitting anything would be terribly unlikely. 

I think the shooter has a pretty solid insanity defense. 

Anyway, it’s a small item in the great scheme of things. However, it just annoys me how the press gets gun coverage wrong all the time. It makes it hard to have a serious gun discussion. 



  1. The shooter has a history including service in Ukraine.

    He travels a lot internationally for someone deemed "poor ".

    Odd that and more

  2. Years ago I got a cheep China made sks, paratrooper rifle. The main use was to eliminate raccoons that were acting strange or sick, close range often less than 10 ft, something's wrong if you can get that close in the daylight. Crappest gun ever. Shocked as all get out when I finally took to the range and rang metal at 150 yards.

    1. One came into my possession. It had never been fired. I had my firearms engineer friend check it out to see if it was one of the good ones. He confirmed it was and only then did I sight it in.

  3. Seems most people and the msm don't realize that the idiot libturd attempted assassin was lying in wait for Trump to get to the part of the course closest to him, about 50 yards . The sks would have done the job. Thank God they caught the a-hole before that happened.

    1. Not to diminish the danger, but it seems that someone going through all that trouble would have brought a better gun.

    2. Not to diminish your reply 6 Bears if the politician targeted wasn't Trump would you have made this comment?

      All Lives Matter, a radical comment that today might get you beaten by some all so tolerant liberal college student.

      You know "Punch a Nazi" "Tolerance ".


    3. I'm ashamed of the country we tolerated into current existence.

