The lovely wife and I are trying to figure out if we are going to head south at all this winter. After years of spending 4 - 6 months on the road, the last two years stuck home have been tough. We were hoping to at least get away for a few weeks. Last year family issues kept us close by. This year it's my wife's recovery from shoulder surgery.
There was a medical set back with her recovery. She overdid it and inflamed a tendon. We just learned that it'll be 6 weeks before we know for sure what will happen. It's possible the doctor may have to operate all over again. That would be a major disappointment. Let's hope it doesn't come to that.
March was shaping up as a good travel month, but that was before the doctor's report. She's got new exercises for her physical therapist to try. We'll rely on his expertise on whether or not it's a good idea to travel. Should know in a couple weeks.
Just in case we get the Okay, I'll make sure the vehicles are squared away. If we do decide to travel, our wheels better be in good shape.
There's something about a semi-nomadic life style. It's a very old living pattern among humans. Even the Woodland Indians wouldn't spend the winters here in northern NH. They'd make their way down to the coast where it's a bit warmer, has less snow, and plenty of sea food. Food's much thinner on the ground here during the winter.
Don't get me wrong. I do love living out here in the woods. I also like travel. Winter is a pretty good time, as I see it, to head to warmer climes. I'm a water guy and enjoy it much more when it's not frozen solid. There are friends of mine who are just the opposite. Winter is their special time. They are pretty happy right now.
We do meet a lot of semi-nomadic people out on the road. Of course, there are the snowbirds. They tend to travel south for the winter and stay in one place. Some like to do what we do -move around. There's a certain look to someone who's been on the road a while. You can kinda spot each other. They are always worth taking to.
Struck up a conversation with one guy. He didn't look like much. Pudgy and unshaven, he wore a shirt with holes in it, his car was a rust bucket beater, and he had an old one speed bicycle. Turns out he was a highly educated man and was fascinating to talk to. Half the year he lived on a houseboat in Tennessee. The other halve he spent wandering the Florida Keys.
We compared notes. People living on the road are always looking for bargains. There are some inexpensive gems for tent campers out in the Keys. No, I'm not going to tell you about them. You'll have to find your own nomads to share notes with. You do have something to share, don't you? I happened to have a bottle of very fine single malt scotch. (NH has very low liquor taxes) Nothing loosens up the throat like a bit of fine lubricant. W also had some information about camping conditions in places he hadn't been to yet.
Sometimes it's worth knowing what places to avoid -like the campground that was in the middle of a massive tick infestation. The campground that had bad water. Places that attract sketchy people who go camping to drink and fight with their wives. It's good to know which places have uptight management. There's such a thing a too many rules. Over the years we've made friends with local people we've met on the road. Nothing beats their knowledge of an area.
So here we are, waiting for the word. Do we go or do we stay?
Hope to know soon.
Confused Day
2 hours ago
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