
Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Loot Reports

A lot of my friends used to e-mail their post-Christmas loot report. They'd list all the cool stuff they and their family got for Christmas. That was fine. Mostly it wasn't to brag, although that was part of it, but to say how happy they were with the thoughtful presents friends and family bought them.

In recent years there's been a lot less stuff at Christmas. Times are tough. Less is spent on gifts and the list of people to buy for has gotten a lot shorter. More gifts are handmade, which I happen to like. They are more personal. Time and cleverness was employed instead of money.

The parties have gotten better. It's a great pleasure to spend time with great people. There's no shortage of alcoholic drinks, but nobody has gotten sloppy drunk. That's wonderful, as drunks aren't very interesting to talk to. However, a little alcohol for social lubrication has its place.

The food has been amazing. I'm from a culture that expresses love through good food. By that measurement, it has been an extraordinarily loving year. My friends and family know how to cook and bake -great skills to have.

This year, while we spent money on gifts, we still ended the month with a tiny bit less debt than we started it. That's a huge accomplishment.

As the holiday becomes less and less commercial for me, I find myself getting happier about it. While I don't want to get into it, Christmas has often been a depressing time of year for me. This year I've caught myself smiling a lot more.

I even let my lovely wife play as much Christmas music as she'd like. Usually I can't stand it. Don't tell her, but I caught myself playing Christmas music in the car -when all alone.

As the holiday has been less and less about loot, the more I like it. I did get some nice well thought out gifts this year, but I'm happy no one broke the bank to buy them.



  1. We had a little family Christmas get-together today that meant the world to me. I got only one serious gift (displayed on my blog) and it was perfect. Had a good time. Glad you did, too.

    1. Thanks. Now you have the tool to MacGyver all your problems.

  2. Sixbears, I couldn't agree with you more. I am glad that people are scaling back purchases and I always feel so guilty when I am given a gift that I neither want nor like. Truly, I am just as happy to visit with people, eat or not. Most of us that are a bit "older" have enough "stuff" and really don't need anymore.

    1. There's a freedom in being able to say, "enough."

  3. Went to a movie, Silver Lining Playlist, to a restaurant for their turkey dinner special. Had a ball, just the hubbs and me. Daughter in NYC spent time with one family and out to movies, she works in the film industry and wanted to see something she knew about, her kitty cat got a new cat tree huge she said, loved and loves it, our kittehs got their treats and I visited a lady who I adore about nearing 95 who outlived many, I fixed her up a great plate(s) of goodies, cleaned the cat box for her, her cat only lets me pet her and love on her, my hubbs adores her too, got her all kind of dvd's she loves to watch and magazines up the wazooo we read and save for her, lots of goodies for her to munch on and sat with her and the cat, hubbs before the movie, checked in on her after..Brought her a pie from the cafe she loves, made sure the kitteh cat was happy, folded her laundry I had done the few days before, she loves it.I make sure she had everything she needs, she is loving and happier than any of my kin.They never contacted me to bug the hell out of me, I prayed for this and God answered my prayers.I pick my friends never could my criminal family! Happy New Year, love your blog. May you and yours have a healthy, peaceful loving 2013!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. Thank you! She's lucky to have a good friend like you. Happy New Year to you too!

  4. Phyllis (N/W Jersey)December 26, 2012 at 9:06 AM

    Family and friends are the best gifts! Not much money to go around this year, but all the good food more than made up for it. I think it was the best time we ever had! (I am tired from all the cooking, though!) Glad your day was fun, too!

    1. This year I let other people do a lot of the cooking, and it was wonderful.

  5. Seems like your Christmas two oceans and a couple of continents away was very similar to my own - planning in a pro active way for a sensible but nevertheless enjoyable festive season seems to be the way to go - I enjoyed reading your post sixbears and compliments of the season to you and yours.

    1. Thank you. Glad your holiday season has been a pleasant one.

  6. I didn't think I would enjoy Christmas this year, but having my daughters and my grandson come for dinner with me and my husband made it a wonderful holiday. Didn't give out a lot of gifts this year and those we did give were things people either asked for or needed, except for the grandson who we indulge because it pleases us :) Happy to hear that you enjoyed yours as well.

    1. Grandkids should always get spoiled. It's a perk of being a grandparent.
