
Saturday, December 29, 2012

Seasoned firewood and operator error

When your source of heat is a woodstove, you've got to stay on top of it. It doesn't take much to go from comfort to cold.

Here's how I goofed. The first thing is that I let the stove die down a bit lower than I should. When I noticed that I followed up with another goof. There's some firewood not quite as seasoned as the bulk of my pile. However, it is the closest firewood, so I grabbed that rather than put my boots on to get the better stuff.

Just to make matters a little bit worse, the ashes were getting full, restricting the airflow just enough to slow the fire down. It took a couple hours before I noticed as I was trying to get some other things done around the house.

Then the sun goes down and temperatures make their way to the single digits. Right about that time my lovely wife comes downstairs complaining about being cold. My bad.

The ash bin gets emptied. The dampers are opened up. I put my boots on and haul in some good seasoned wood. Of course, the house is cool, so it takes a few hours to get everything toasty again.

It doesn't help that I can go around in just a T-shirt while my lovely wife is wearing a sweater. By the time it's cold enough for me to be uncomfortable, it's really cold.

There's some subzero (Fahrenheit) temperatures in the forecast so I'd better stay on top of things. Down in the basement is a huge woodstove that I haven't even fired up yet this season. Between that one and the kitchen woodstove, the house will be quite warm. I've put off using it because the kitchen stove has kept things warm enough for me. Using only one stove conserves firewood, but I guess I've been a bit too frugal.

In two weeks we should be heading to Florida until the end of February. That will conserve firewood better than anything, while keeping the lovely wife warm.



  1. I understand a cold wife makes a house even colder .To keep a wife warm of body and temperment hauling and splitting wood is a small price.i bet the warmest thing in the house was your ears.

  2. Phyllis (N/W Jersey)December 29, 2012 at 4:51 AM

    Hubby has that fire going 24/7. He likes it too warm while I'm comfy with just a sweatshirt and jeans. It's cold outside at 21 and more snow is on the way. I bet you are counting the days until you leave for Florida!

    1. Yes, and the lovely wife is counting down too.

  3. Come on...seventy degrees and rain here today.

  4. There is nothing better than a wood fire on a cold night.

    1. It's a wonderful thing. It makes life so much more pleasant.

  5. Winter came a-knocking down here last night. Got down into the upper 30s, which is bone chilling to me. Been pretty cold today as well (for a place that sees 80+ for nine months out of the year). Sure do miss my fireplace! A wood stove would be really nice. Next month's electric bill will not be pretty...

    1. Electricity is a darn expensive way to heat.

      Firewood grows on trees.

      30s is cold for anyone. My dad in FL has had to run his electric heaters. At least your rates aren't as high as mine are here. NH has some of the highest electric rates in the country. It's one of the reasons I make mose of my own.

  6. Oh to have a seasoned wood pile
    in easy reach of the door.
    The only thing wrong with this self sufficiency lifestyle is needing to be self sufficient...

    1. You've got that right. Usually works Okay, but there are days . . .

  7. you may have to burn wood in florida this year

    quircky weather coming

