
Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Where the days go

Some people really enjoy messing around with computers. I just want them to work. Getting this old and slow backup computer hammered into shape has taken longer than I like. For example, it took two days just to get it to talk to my printer. Finally I just kept updating Ubuntu operating systems until they were up to date enough. That takes hours of download time and hours of installation. Just walking away and letting it do its thing doesn't work either. Sooner or later a screen pops up and ask for my input. The whole process freezes until that happens.

That being said it is good to have the documents I needed freshly printed and ready to go. There is some satisfaction in getting this old machine to do what it should do -especially after pricing replacement laptops. Once I'm sure the old computer is stable I'm gong to try to move a bunch of files over from my dying laptop.

I had a lot more fun painting my little boat. Of course, nothing is ever direct. I picked up a new belt sander at the building supply store. Then I went back, returned it, and got the correct belt sander. Of course, it was at the store that's 50 miles away. After the boat was patched and sanded I found my paint had gone bad. Since I never really liked that color, sorta a sick yellow/gold, it didn't bother me all that much.

Just about any other color would be an improvement. I had my lovely wife choose the color. After all, she was the one picking up the paint. She chose a nice red brick color. I thought she must have put a lot of thought into it as it looks really good. As it turns out she was tired, her feet were sore, and the paint was already mixed so she didn't have to wait.

So where are the pictures of the new paint job? Well, there's this program I need to download them from my camera and I haven't loaded up the software yet.

. . . it's on the list . . . the ever growing, never ending list.



  1. I got a decent computer at Wal-Mart for about three hundred the last time I had to replace one. Runs Windows 8.1 which I detest but there was little choice.

    1. I'd also load Linux like I did on my last computer. 99% of what I do I can do with linux programs.

  2. Remember that old Eskimo paint job trick. A village wanted to paint a civic function building, but couldn't come to a concensus on what color to paint it. So the village just contributed their color choice and mixed it together to make the color - that is using common sense to me.

    1. So they painted it an ugly color and thus learned the value of concensus?

  3. I once had a "to do" list, but it got way to long to read in one day, so I threw it away.

  4. The "list" seems to get bigger every day, doesn't it? I wonder if it's ever finished.
