
Sunday, April 28, 2019

So this is spring

Saturday it was 35 and raining heavily. That’s not particularly great weather for doing much of anything outside. That wet cold seeps right into one’s bones.

There’s a lot of rain in the forecast and not a lot of warmth. The rivers have been high, either at flood stage, over it, or right on the edge of it. One effect that most people don’t think too much about is what this sort of weather does to trees. A lot of our trees are shallow rooted, species like spruce, fir, and hemlock. When the ground gets super saturated it doesn’t take much wind to topple a forest’s worth of trees.

Friday night my lovely wife and I were driving back home from the movies. The wind was strong enough to move our little car all over the road. Between the darkness, rain and wind we practically crawled home. It was a long long drive. There was the constant threat of high water, falling trees or just getting blown off the road.

The returning snowbirds are quite disappointed. My sympathy is . . . limited.

While it’s been cold, temperatures have generally stayed above freezing. Sometimes just barely above, but warm enough to melt snow. The ice on the lake has turned a darker color. All the rain has super saturated it. As the ice gets more rotten, a good strong wind could break it up. Sometimes the wind piles the ice up on the shore. There’s enough force to destroy docks and boat houses.

Right now there’s not much that can be done except hang in there. Vitamin D pills are an inadequate substitute for sunshine.



  1. I'll bottle some of our sunshine and send it over the internet. Can you send some rain please? It's scorched down here. Hanging in there too...

    1. Sounds like a fine trade. Wish we could really do it. Plenty of water here to spare.

  2. We've got the cure here Bubba.

    1. I'm doing all I can to be south next winter. These winters are getting harsher all the time.

  3. If you are going south next winter, that may mean that we will be instore for a very cold winter next year (grin).

    1. I'll just keep heading south until I either get warm or find a volcano. :)

  4. The weather here in North Georgia has taken a turn for the better. We have been having warm, low humidity days, cool nights. I saw on the weather your part of the country was still pretty rough.

    1. Usually we have nicer days by now. Ice out on the lake is well behind schedule. Glad things are nice somewhere. Your area had a time of it so enjoy the good weather while you've got it.

  5. We really need some warmth and sunshine, especially after a long hard winter.
