
Sunday, December 20, 2015

Office seasickness

I was trying to write a blog post last night, but the boat was rocking in the wind and waves. About the time seasickness started to set it, putting the computer away seemed like a very good idea indeed.

Maybe if my lovely wife and I hadn't just had a very nice, but spicy pizza in town. At any rate, the blog could wait.

There's a lot within walking distance from the marina, plus there's a free trolley available. No wonder so many people like to park their boats here for the winter. We enjoyed our pizza at outdoor tables where we could enjoy some people watching. Later, we caught a free concert in a nearby plaza. The band's first set came to an abrupt halt when high winds blew over their light tower over. By then we decided to start heading back to the boat. After all, it was almost 8:30.

There's a saying, “Cruiser's midnight.” That's about 9 p. m.. Days on the water are long and by 9 most folks are ready to call it a night.

Yesterday's fiberglass work went well. There was less fiberglass work to be done than I'd originally thought. With that job out of the way I'll be able to leave most of my fiberglass kit at my step-mom's, along with a power sander. One tool that's proven surprisingly useful is my hacksaw. I'm going to pick up more blades for it. In the next few days we are going to try to figure out what we really need on the boat and what can be left behind.

Things are moving in the right direction. We are going to do more practice sailing. Everything in moderation. It was a good idea to take a break and bring my first mate out for pizza and music.
