
Tuesday, October 18, 2022

Worried about civil unrest?

I’m not, but my home in New Hampshire is in a really safe place. We aren’t really a red or a blue state so that’s interesting. It’s probably good as everyone has to deal with others who don’t think like they do. As long as it’s kept civil honest debate is fine. 

It’s different out here in the rural places. For example a “Liberal” here often has guns and enjoys shooting sports. New Hampshire has some of the fewest gun restrictions yet very low gun crime. However, guns really are not your best protection. Cops are not your best protection. A civil society is your best protection. 

That’s not to say there’s no conflict or potential for conflict. The odds of conflict becoming violent are just lower. In the end we do the math and play the odds. 

If you feel you are in a really unsafe place it’s past time to take a really hard look at your situation. If it’s bad now, how will it be when times get rougher? What are your options? What’s your personal situation like? Are you only concerned about yourself or do you have people depending on you?  

My best guess is that we won’t have large organized insurrections. Governments like to have a monopoly on violence to they squash that sort of thing quickly. What’s more likely are individuals or small groups acting out. That sort of thing can cause a lot of localized trouble, but doesn’t spread too far and is short lived. 

In the greater scheme of things civil unrest isn’t on the top of my list. In the northern reaches of the country we are entering the cold and snowy months. Nobody riots in a blizzard.



  1. Truth: Gentlemen like you and I generally don't have difficulties with civil unrest and violence. Evil doers tend to think twice before attending to their evilness.

  2. the civil unrest will likely come first in the form of hoards of hungry city people fanning out over the countryside when the ebt cards quit working. later, after the ensueing collapse there won't be a governmental army nor a government capable of squashing anything. then it will be warlords vs. defenders. eventually one or the other will come to make your acquaintance.

    1. I used think that's what would happen but I'm not sure anymore. City people don't like to leave cities.

    2. You forgot to mention the Zombie Horde.

    3. Always with the Zombie Hordes.

  3. 6 Bears what happened with Katrina then? A fair number of them never returned to New Orleans.

    Active danger and lack of food does indeed inspire at least the most physically capable folks to move to food and safety.

    1. That's what it takes to empty a city. Mandatory evacuations and high end hurricanes. Most of the time it won't be like that but just things slowly getting worse and worse. That gets normalized.

  4. Whether or not you need to worry about civil unrest depends upon how widespread it is, what caused it, how effective government response to it is and how proximate you are to it. Also random operating factors also have a say in how things happen.

    1. Anything is possible but you have to assess what's likely in your area.
