
Tuesday, November 5, 2013

The hiatus continues

This is going to get boring. Not for me, but for my readers. My friends might not believe it possible, but I've gotten even more laid back.

Winds are a bit strong for my liking and the water a bit rough. We could sail in it, but our planned anchorage spot would be very bumpy. Why bother? The marina here is protected and there's stuff to do -or not do. Your choice. One nice thing about all the wind is that the bugs are long gone. They haven't bothered me all that much, but my lovely wife is a bit itchy.

Two more nights here and we'll move on. The boat is ready to go. Water containers have been refilled and we could leave in minutes. For a while there I thought we might head out in the afternoon. Once I checked with NOAA and caught the marine forecast, that was all I needed to see. No sense suffering for nothing.

The boat is well provisioned. Not only that, I occasionally let the nice guys at the snack bar do the cooking. They make a mean breakfast bagel. The prepper part of me won't let my water supply get down very far. Not only that, we've identified three natural fresh water sources on the island. We've a MSR backpacker water filter for emergencies. My lovely wife has identified edible plants on the island. It's just how we think. Always looking at the long term viability of where we are.

Living on island time.



  1. It always pays to be aware of your surroundings. It amazes me how little some people see.

    1. Tunnel vision. It's like they have blinders on.

  2. That lifestyle sounds like it could become addictive!

  3. There's nothing like being well prepared. I like that.
    You can wait and indulge or indulge and wait...

  4. Sounds like the daily routine of a cruising couple ta me !

  5. Nice you hear you, the Mrs. and Brownie are enjoying Florida. Happy long vacationing!

    1. It's no longer a vacation. It's a lifestyle. Good to hear from you Adam.

  6. Thats the great thing about sailing, if you don't have to be anywhere, you are never late. I say enjoy it.
