
Tuesday, November 1, 2022

55 miles and 20 feet

Day are getting shorter. There’s a pretty narrow window between warm enough and darkness. Sure, I could get up early and deal with the sub-freezing temps. On the other hand I could wait for it to warm up into the 60s. Guess what I’ve been doing? 

While it was still chilly I was dealing with some end of the month business on the computer. One of the things I did was order a couple more pallets of fiber blocks for the woodstove. The price hasn’t gone up and they are still in stock. No idea how long that happy situation will last. There’s a certain comfort in knowing where you winter heat is coming from. 

The nice thing about a woodstove is that it doesn’t need the grid to function. My woodstove is a modern interpenetration of a wood kitchen stove. The big difference from the older stoves is a bigger airtight firebox. Not only does it provide heat it’s great for cooking and baking. 

To make room for the pallets the scooter had to be moved about 20 feet. I did that -after taking a 55 mile side trip. Being able to tool around on two wheels this late in the season is a bonus. It was a perfect day to meander around on the 35 mph back roads. Some were paved. Others were dirt. Eventually the sun started to go down and the temperature was going down with it. It was time to park the scoot. 

There’s always tomorrow.



  1. Riding in the rurals on Blue Highways - sounds good for the soul. Ride carefully and Be Safe.

  2. Mind telling which fiber blocks?

    1. The company is Fiberfuel out of Canada. However, "Lewis" is stamped in the blocks. Hope that helps. Mine come from White Mountain Lumber in Berlin NH.

  3. Lived with wood heat as our only heat source for over 20 years. Best heat in the world. Messy, annoying, a ton of work but there's nothing better.
