
Saturday, October 21, 2023

Are Drivers Worse?

Anyone else notice that drivers seem to be getting worse? Seems to me that people are driving with their emotions and their emotions are not in a good place. I’m also seeing a lot of distracted drivers. No doubt cell phones are an issue. Could it be that all those big electronic screens newer cars come with are more distraction than help?

My home state of New Hampshire just had its worse year for motorcycle accidents in 20 years -and the year ain’t over. I did a lot of motor scooter riding this year but I don’t go out on the highways. That probably saved me a certain amount of risk. There’s something to be said for a machine that tops out around 62 mph. It keeps me humble. However, I did come very close to being run over in a freaking gas station parking lot. 

Living out in the middle of nowhere has its perks. Low traffic volume is a big one. We do have to deal with deer, bear and moose on the road. Hitting a freaking turkey isn’t any fun either. My cousin hit one with the windshield of his Jeep and almost ran off the road. At least wildlife, unlike some humans, are not out to do you in on purpose. 

Just wait until we get our first big snowstorm. Some people forget how to drive in the snow over the summer. It doesn’t help that many are late getting snow tires put on their cars. If at all possible I like to sit out the first storm and stay home. 

So I am curious. Has anyone else noticed a big uptick in bad driving?



  1. Distracted driving, yes. Some angry drivers.

    Just did my winter tires and was chatting with both my mechanics and the tire shop folks.

    Dropped 736.00 on 4 decent all seasons. Looks like my summer car tires are going to be almost the same. How do folks afford this on all those "Newly created" part time jobs?

    Comments were about folks living on the edge with deferred repairs and "Not Good Tires".

    Sadly, goes well with my observations at the coffee shop downtown with more than a few spare tire donuts on vehicles right now, mostly bare of thread.

    Out of control money printing robs all of us of the value of our retirements and working wages.

    Please forget blaming one party or the next, THEY ALL SCREW "We the People" daily.

    1. I've got excellent tires on one vehicle but pushing out the time on the second. We can get by with on vehicle if it snows before then.

  2. it was bad before, mostly ignorance. then the covid came. the cops disappeared and never came back. the masks etc made people distant, separated, from our fellow man. so now they drive self absorbed, distracted by media, unfazed by laws, uncaring of their fellow drivers, only what THEY need to do RIGHT now. they'll kill themselves or anybody that gets in the way to get to mcdonalds three seconds faster than the other guy. i never put my bike on the road this year. between the drivers and the exploding deer herds there's no way. we need open season on both.

    1. There appears to be a selfish trend going on right now. People are unwilling to do anything for the common good.

  3. Student drivers aren't learning much about the virtues of defensive driving tactics these days. It's a learn as you go sort of thing. Although that's about what we did, but I have to believe, "we" that is you fellas reading are at the age that, supersedes allot of road stupidness.

    I too spent a goodly portion of the afternoon shopping tires. I have the good fortune being able to buy a set and have the High School kids put them on my vehicle. There's a certain amount of Zen in my driving efforts these days. 80)

    1. Today my wife was driving along, 20 mph over the speed limit, and someone passed her like she was sitting on jacks. Yeee Haaa!

    2. We used to call them, "Pony Express."
