
Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Cross Country Trips

So far I’ve tentatively planned two cross country trips for 2025. If you’ve been paying attention you know that one of them is the Scooter Cannonball from Oregon to Texas. Since I’d be leaving from northern NH it’s a heck of a trip to Oregon. The current plan is to haul my scooter in the back of my daughter’s truck. That will be a trip across the top of the US. We may cut across Canada for part of it. 

After the Cannonball I’m looking at two options. There’s a chance a good friend may pick me up in TX and we’d meander our way back home to NH. Another option is take the scooter home and do a lot of camping along the way. That’s up in the air. 

The Northwest is the one part of the country I’ve never been to. The best time to visit, in my opinion, is during the summer. Most summers it’s hard for me to leave my place here on the lake in NH. The Cannonball is a good excuse to get out there. 

Before that my lovely wife and I are thinking of going to California to visit family out there. Last time we went was by train. That was fun, but there’s not a lot of time to experience things along the way. With that in mind we are thinking about driving across the country in our own meandering way. We’d probably come back using a different route too. 

I’m looking forward to seeing how things really are on the ground. You won’t learn anything flying over on a jet. 



  1. What month is the Cannonball held ?
    Early June being the best weather wise , in my experience. At least greener , before everything turns brown and desolate. But still very cool morning time riding.

    1. June 20th.

      I'll get to drive across your old stomping grounds.
